
Exit Tickets from the Presentation:

Today I heard about the struggles Giselle faces & how strong she is. This made me think about how I could deal with my own issues. Now, I wonder if I can accept help without shame & help others.

Today I learned that we have the power to control how we deal with our problem. This made me think that all my problems can be solved by the power I have to control them. Now, I wonder how I will resolve my problems in the future.

Today I saw Giselle’s presentation on overcoming and positive impact. This made me think how important positivity and kindness can be. Now, I wonder how I can be the best version of myself.

Today I saw someone who has had to deal with a struggle in her life and figured out how to deal with it. This made me think about how anyone can do anything they want if they just work hard and focus on their goals. Now, I wonder how I can make a positive impact to help others more often.

Today I saw the life of Giselle. This made me grateful for everything I have in my life.

Today I heard/saw someone who has had to deal with a struggle in her life, thank you so much for your presentation and for sharing your story. It has impacted me so much!

Today I saw you overcome your disabilities and are now pursuing public speaking. This made me think how fortunate I am, as well I am grateful. Now, I wonder how we can further help the disabled.

Today I heard/saw:
– Small gestures can make a large difference
– That starting out your day with a positive attitude can really change the outcome of it

This made me think:
– That I should be more intentive
– That I should show more appreciation to the people that help me in my life.
– About the fact that I am who I am (have a positive outlook)

Now, I wonder:
– About how much I’ll change
– If everyone will change a little after this presentation

Today I heard about Giselle’s life story. This made me think that the problems I have in my life aren’t very serious and I should not have many excuses. Now, I wonder what I can do to handle my problems.

Today I heard about how challenges shouldn’t stop or prevent us. This made me think how strong people with certain disabilities are and how it won’t stop them from goals. Now, I wonder if people in the future will continue to find new amazing ways to help people.

Today I heard/saw how Giselle has challenges throughout her life but it does not keep her down but helps her keep going through everyday life. This made me think to not let small things bring me down so much as it does, but to push through it. Now I wonder how to change myself in order to accept help from others when I need it.

Today I heard/saw Giselle Gaylie – a public speaker – who is an inspiration to many people. this made me think how to be able to face challenges while still having positivity & how to help others that are in need. Now, I wonder what would life be like if everybody showed each other love instead of hate. Living life with full support & positivity.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s presentation about growing up and being limitless. This made me think about my future and how everyone is blessed with opportunities. Now, I wonder about all the possibilities I have been offered.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s life story. This made me think about my impact on others. Now, I wonder how I can make a difference in the world.

Today I heard/saw how there is a plan for everyone. This made me think about helping everyone who needs it. Now, I wonder if I have been the best person I can be.

Today I heard/saw an amazing presentation about Giselle. This made me think about how others treat people who act or look differently in a special manner although they are just like us. Now, I wonder have I ever judged someone just because of the way they look or act?

Today I heard/saw Giselle motivational presentation. This made me think life is full of challenges. It is always good to have someone by your side. Now, I wonder how can I help someone that’s having a hard time with life?

Today I heard/saw a great presentation by Giselle about her life & future. This made me think that if she can do it anyone can if they tried. Now, I wonder if I will have that kind of love and success in my life.

Today I heard/saw:
– no person is an island
– Do not follow the path, instead, go off the path and leave a trail.

This made me think:
– No one is ever alone and we will always be supported
– We choose our own destinies, and we choose who we become

Now, I wonder:
– For all the times I felt alone, whose support did I have?
– Would I be as confident as Giselle to push past my challenges and face difficulty?

Today I saw Giselle’s path to where she is until now. This made me think about opening up to others. Now, I wonder how can I make a difference in this world?

Today I heard/saw how helping someone can influence them greatly. This made me think of all the times people were there for me. Now, I wonder how can I help more people in the future?

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s inspiring words. This made me think how positive Giselle is, is very moving. Now, I wonder how I can be more helpful and positive towards others.

Today I heard what Giselle’s life is. This made me think about how people could work together. Now, I wonder what will people learn from the video.

Today I heard/saw a motivational presentation. This made me think about how fortunate we are to have positive people like Giselle in our world. Now, I wonder what the future holds for us.

Today I heard/saw how much Giselle has persevered in life. This made me think that she is a strong person who can do anything. Now, I wonder what I can do to make the world a better just like Giselle has by overcoming obstacles and will do by being a public speaker.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s story of how she overcame a huge obstacle in life. This made me think how fortunate we all are to be made by God + given a chance. Now, I wonder how I can help others and follow in Giselle’s path.

Today I heard/saw Giselle give a wonderful presentation about her life. She is an excellent public speaker! This made me think about how obstacles in life should be looked at in a positive way, as Giselle mentioned. Now, I wonder how I can help others!

Today I heard/saw how even though you may have a challenge or obstacles in your life, working hard can help you overcome then & you can still live a full + happy life. This made me think how being helpful + positive can change someone’s life. Now, I wonder if there are more ways in which I can have a positive effect on others, at school + in the world.

Today I heard/saw what Giselle had to share: her story and her messages. This made me think she is an amazing person and her story is inspirational. Truly, I admire her positivity and determination. Now, I wonder how I can emulate the same positivity while life goes on.

Today I heard/saw that you can always use the help of others. This made me think that I can continue to help other people. Now, I wonder what the world would be like without God’s love.

Today I heard/saw there is no obstacle you can’t overcome. This made me think maybe I should have a more positive attitude to challenges. Now, I wonder why I have been taking things for granted while being pessimistic.

Today I heard/saw you are never alone to face challenges. This made me think I should have a positive mindset. Now, I wonder why I try to face challenges alone and why I’m so negative.

Today I heard/saw a girl who didn’t let her disability stop her from doing what she wanted. This made me think how strong she must be to overcome all the challenges she faced. Now, I wonder how I can help people like her.

Today I heard/saw that even doing the smallest thing counts. You should never doubt yourself and you must accept your challenges in a positive way. This made me think I should be more positive and always respect others. I shouldn’t doubt myself. Now, I wonder what challenges me? How do I overcome them?

Today I heard/saw that with the power of Christ, we can help everyone and pray for a greater cause. This made me think if there are any more ways we can help this cause. Now, I wonder how we can empower more/all people to be as enlightening as Giselle.

Today I heard/saw Giselle present. This made me think about the struggles that others go through. Now, I wonder how can I be helpful to those around me?

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s journey as she finishes school.
This made me think:
– As long we put our trust in God he will help us.
– Anything is possible if we all work together.

Now, I wonder how the people cope with the challenges.

Today I heard/saw the difficulties that Giselle faced and the beauty of how she dealt with it. This made me think we are not independent and God has made each and every one of us special. Now, I wonder how Giselle will change the world as a public speaker and hopes that she will be okay.

Today I heard/saw an inspirational woman sharing her story and telling the audience how far she has come even with her disabilities. This made me think this presentation showed the hardships of life but made me think of how loved and accepted one can be in our community. Now, I wonder about what Giselle will do next! She is an amazing public speaker and I hope she is well and has an amazing future!! <3

Today I heard/saw that you can change the world just by being a little nicer. This made me think there is nothing I can’t overcome. Now, I wonder how I can help others each day.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s inspirational story. This made me think there is nothing you can’t overcome. Now, I wonder I should be more helpful to people to make a positive difference.

Today I heard/saw how Giselle worked her way through all her difficulties and never gave up. I saw how, today, she is a successful graduate. This made me think how hard working and helpful she is to us & our school community. Now, I wonder if Giselle keeps up her hardwork I hope for the best for her in the future.

Today I heard/saw about ways to improve and Giselle’s story. This made me think about how I can improve to and become a better person. Now, I wonder in what ways can I help others?

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s inspirational story and message of her life and what she has learned. This made me think about how to overcome struggles and make a positive difference. Now, I wonder how I can be a better person and work toward my goals with more determination.

Today I heard/saw a beautiful presentation. This made me think of all that I can do to be better myself and help others. Now, I wonder what I can do to help others.

Today I heard/saw a presentation from Giselle. This made me think that we need to be thankful for everything that we have. Now, I wonder how hard to live with that condition and what’s going to be next for her.

Today I heard/saw that we are all loved by God and God loves us all no matter what. This made me think that even though I feel like he’s not helping me, he is. Now, I wonder what Giselle is going to do after school.

Today I heard/saw someone very helpful. This made me think of how I can help. Now, I wonder if I can.

Today I heard/saw the challenges of cerebral palsy. This made me think differently about Giselle. Now, I wonder how cerebral palsy works and how it affects something

Today I heard/saw someone that goes through a lot in life but still keeps her head high. This made me think how people that either suffer a disease or go through something feel when someone judges them. Now, I wonder how can I make people that are “special” feel like they are valued by the people around them.

Today I heard/saw how she worked hard. This made me think she worked to be here. Now, I wonder did she get made fun of?

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s story. This made me think everyone can be successful. Now, I wonder if I will see Giselle in the future on TV.

Today I heard/saw nobody is an island. This made me think it is good to ask for help. Now, I wonder in the future, how can we make life easier for people with disabilities?

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s story. This made me think about how people live their lives. Now, I wonder how Giselle will do in the next step of her life

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s presentation about her life. This made me think everyone is special in a different way. Now, I wonder that people are together than separate.

Today I heard/saw a motivational presentation. This made me think about how smiling helps people. Now, I wonder how many people do little things to help.

Today I heard/saw we matter. She feels limitless and no longer invisible. She is proud of who she is and not ashamed. Seeking help shows strength not weakness. This made me think she has to live with disabilities and whatever insecurities I have are just too. Now, I wonder what’s it be like really being in her shoes. I know how she goes about her day but I wonder how she truly feels.

Today I heard/saw how Giselle overcame her challenges. This made me think about how I can help others overcome their challenges. Now, I wonder how can we improve our society to be more helping and inclusive?

Today I heard/saw how she goes by every day with her disability. This made me think if all the obstacles she faces every day. Now, I wonder how she is able to pursue all her dreams in her condition.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s story and how helping is important to everyone. How important it is to live life to the fullest. This made me think am I doing the most I can and being the best person I can be. Now, I wonder how I can help others more, because everyone matters. Just because someone is facing challenges doesn’t mean they should be treated any differently than another person.

Today I heard/saw the life story of Giselle Gaylie, her struggles, and achievements at Loyola. “There is nothing you cannot overcome” “no one is an island” This made me think to look forward to the future we could be more helpful to each other accept help everyone matters, no one is alone, there is always someone. Now, I wonder if I could use the lessons during this presentation in my daily life.

Today I heard/saw Giselle was born with a disability but she’s still able to try different things too. This made me think I shouldn’t give up when I’m told I’m not supposed to do something because I’m not capable of because she still did it. Now, I wonder what is another excuse for not pursuing my dreams.

Today I heard/saw a presentation about Giselle and her life. This made me think how we need help from other people to take on different challenges. Now, I wonder if I help others enough or if I should ask for help more. Also that I should be nicer and be caring to everyone.

Today I heard/saw the wonderful women in the chair. This made me think wow, she is strong. Now, I wonder what else she will do to help us.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s story and her positivity towards overcoming difficulties. This made me think about being positive. Now, I wonder what I can do to be more positive about my difficulties.

Today I heard/saw the life of Giselle. This made me think about how I should appreciate my opportunities. Now, I wonder how to live a better life.

Today I heard/saw the Giselles life. This made me think we have to be more hopeful.

Today I heard/saw given her state she still pursues her dream. This made me think that nothing can hold you back with hard work. Now, I wonder what is my/others excuse for not pursuing my/their dreams?

Today I heard/saw Giselletalk about her childhood, her struggles and how she copes with them. This made me think regardless of mental or physical condition, you can always have a positive attitude and continue to try your best. Now, I wonder if everyone can accept what they have and be themselves.

Today I heard/saw an inspiration. This made me think about how easy my life is. Now, I wonder if I could’ve been as strong as her.

Today I heard/saw about Giselle’s life and her struggles. This made me think that with help from others and faith, anything is possible and every obstacle can be overcome. Now, I wonder what I can do to make myself better and how I can make a difference in others.

Today I heard/saw how even though Giselle had to go through the same hardships. She wants everyone to know that she’s strong and pulling through. This made me think it’s okay to ask for help, you don’t need to be so independent. Now, I wonder how can I help people around me in my day to day life.

Today I heard/saw about what it’s like to have a disability. This made me think about how overcoming difficulties in life is never impossible. Now, I wonder what changes I can make in my life.

Today I heard/saw an interesting presentation about Giselle’s life. This made me think that we are all human no matter what we just need to be understanding. Now, I wonder how other people live their lives with their own obstacles.

Today I heard/saw how well the world is treating and accepting Giselle, I was very happy to see how relentless she is and how people help. It is a treasure to be part of a world so kind.. This made me think that it would be wrong to complain with our blessings so it would not be selfish to give up because Giselle never did.. Now, I wonder if I can improve the world the way Giselle is making a positive difference.

Today I heard/saw how strong and driven she is, it is an inspiration, to allow me to look at life more positively.. This made me think the little problems I get saad over are just minuscule. I should look at life in a more joyful way. Now, I wonder if I can help change the world, like Giselle is by hearing her story.

Today I heard/saw that everyone has challenges and no one is an island so we all need to help each other. This made me think about how I can be the best version of myself. Now, I wonder about how we can make a difference in the lives of others.

Today I heard/saw I saw a presentation by Giselle, where she presented parts of her life, through pictures and audio. This made me think it allowed to appreciate and be grateful for all I have because even though I may come across problems sometimes in my life, there is always going to be a way to solve it. And others may be going through something harder. Now, I wonder if there is more that we can do for people with disabilities. Give them even bigger and greater opportunities. If there is more I can personally do to help those with disabilities.

Today I heard/saw that even though we face many challenges we should keep our heads up high. This made me think to be more grateful for everything that happens in our lives. Now, I wonder why should we be mad with our challenges and problems and why not just look at the good part.

Today I heard/saw the obstacles that Giselle has overcome and the strength she has developed over the years. This made me think about how people make things for granted and now we must embrace who we are and overcome our difficulties, learning and growing from them. Now, I wonder what more we ran all do as a society to accept  and be more informed about these who have disabilities like cerebral palsy.

Today I heard/saw a very impressive and genuine presentation of how everyone faces challenges but they can be overcome by helping each other. This made me think growth is the key to happiness and the purpose of life and asking for helpis never wrong. Now, I wonder what does Giselle do for fun?

Today I heard/saw a new positive view of the challenges we deal with. This made me think how blessed I am to be healthy and have people surrounding me who care and support. Now, I wonder how I can help others in my daily life.

Today I heard/saw anything is possible through God. This made me think I can do anything I set myself to. Now, I wonder how I will achieve my goals.

Today I heard/saw Giselle speaking inspirationally. This made me think that she’s so strong and inspiring to everyone. Now, I wonder how can I make a difference in my community?

Today I heard/saw a powerful presentation. This made me think about how unfair life can be. Now, I wonder why certain things happen to certain people.

Today I heard/saw that we should always be positive. This made me think about how we need to make a difference in everyone’s lives. Now, I wonder how can I help the next person in need.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s life and the challenges she faces. This made me think how strong she really is. Now, I wonder how her future will go and why I don’t try hard enough.

Today I heard/saw about Giselle’s life. This made me think about how everyone experiences different things. Now, I wonder how I will live my life.

Today I heard/saw the amount of work that you put in and you never give up. This made me think about my own problems because they pale in comparison. Now, I wonder why I give up so easily.

Today I heard/saw determination and empowerment. This made me think about my own challenges and how I can overcome them. Now, I wonder how I can help others overcome any challenges they may face.

Today I heard/saw that this was your last year at Loyola. This made me think 3 years more in Loyola must have been long. Now, I wonder what use you are going to do after Loyola.

Today I heard/saw I heard about Giselle’s life and about how she doesn’t let her challenges limit her & we have the power to control our actions. This made me think about what challenges do I let define the way I live. Now, I wonder how can I be more positive how can I help others the most effectively?

Today I heard/saw how hard some people have it and how lucky I am to be me. This made me think if I would be the same person with different obstacles. Now, I wonder how I can help other people.

Today I heard/saw the conditions of another student and how she overcomes her situation. This made me think about how special every single person is. Now, I wonder what it is like to be in someone else’s position.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s life struggles and how she faces them. This made me think how strong she is to try so hard everyday. Now, I wonder what is her next step in life.

Today I heard/saw a presentation about her life. This made me think about my problems in my life. Now, I wonder how I’m going to approach my problems.

Today I heard/saw the journey of a challenges person and how well she handles it. This made me think about how much strength she really has. Now, I wonder how I can apply these lessons to myself and better everyone.

Today I heard/saw about the challenges Giselle faces every day. This made me think would I be able to go through with these challenges. Now, I wonder how Giselle developed and struggles to face obstacles.

Today I heard/saw Giselle speak to us about how she has overcome her challenges. This made me think about myself how sometimes Ican’tovercome my challenges and overreact. Now, I wonder how I canmake a difference.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s inspiring story and how she helps others. This made me think that anything is possible with help from others. Now, I wonder what I can do to help others.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s inspiring story. This made me think how important it is to be positive and persistent. Now, I wonder how much positive thinking can improve my life.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s life start as well as some inspirational things. This made me think what could I do to overcome challenges in my life. Now, I wonder if I can help others who have challenges in their lives.

Today I heard/saw the difficulties of other people. This made me think of how blessed she is and how wonderful of a country we have. Now, I wonder how we can help bother.

Today I heard/saw about Giselle’s life. This made me think I was inspired by her story and persistence. Now, I wonder the wonderful work she will do.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s life story. This made me think how lucky I am. Now, I wonder how much good I can do if I try.

Today I heard/saw an empowered and grateful woman. This made me think how grateful I am for the way I am. Now, I wonder why everyone is not as grateful for life.

Today I heard/saw someone who remained positive through all of the obstacles. This made me think about how I can help others. Now, I wonder what obstacles I will face in the future.

Today I heard/saw that life comes with challenges for everyone but this doesn’t ever make it bad. This made me think why do I complain because life comes with challenges that we can all overcome. Now, I wonder why can’t be helpful to each other at all times, because as a group population will reap the benefits.

Today I heard/saw a presentation of Giselle Gaylie. This made me think how inspirational of a presentation/person she is. Now, I wonder what exactly I can use with the gifts God has given me.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s challenges that she faced in life and how it all empowers her. This made me think that everyone can be strengthened by their hardships. Now, I wonder have I changed from my hardships?

Today I heard/saw that we are not alone. This made me think to not be a lonely island. Now, I wonder how to be happier.

Today I heard/saw a very inspiring story. This made me think about my life and how I can be positive. Now, I wonder what can I do to make someone’s day.

Today I heard/saw to be an example. This made me think Giselle is a very strong individual. Now, I wonder how to help others more.

Today I heard/saw Giselle presented about her life. The people who are there for her and the challenges we face. This made me think about how God made everyone different and we’re all beautiful. To be more positive and we all matter. Now, I wonder what I can do to help others and set examples.

Today I heard/saw be a positive difference, be yourself. This made me think to be grateful. Anything is possible with God. Now, I wonder how to make learning more easy and accessible.

Today I heard/saw Giselle talking about her life. This made me think about how you should always be positive. Now, I wonder how Giselle will be in her future.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s story of her life and education. This made me think about how people need each other for help. Now, I wonder how many bad situations can be fixed by other people.

Today I heard/saw “God made me, God made you and God doesn’t make mistakes”. This made me think that everyone has a purpose here. Now, I wonder what is my purpose?

Today I heard/saw how incredibly strong she is how much she has accomplished. This made me think what she will do next. Now, I wish you the best of luck, Giselle!

Today I heard/saw an inspirational story. This made me think how fortunate I am. Now, I wonder how I can help others.

Today I heard/saw Giselle make a presentation about her life and how we all need to be more inclusive. This made me think if I am inclusive or not. Now, I wonder who in my life is inclusive and how I can be more inclusive.

Today I heard/saw an inspiration, talked about interdependence the way I want to be better. This made me think of how to inspire a person I know who has minor cerebral palsy. Now, I wonder how if I will be able to inspire just as well.

Today I heard/saw that nobody is an island and that you should always be inclusive. This made me think that although no matter who you are, you never let your issues stop you from doing what you want. Now, I wonder how I can be more helpful and inclusive.

Today I heard/saw challenges come in all shapes and forms. This made me think we should help each other when we face problems. Now, I wonder how many people face challenges alone.

Today I heard/saw Giselle speaking to us about receiving help and helping others. This made me think about helping others when I can and not being afraid of asking for help. Now, I wonder I will try to be the best person I can be.

Today I heard/saw Giselle struggling because of her problems and how she handles it. This made me thinks about how difficult her life is. Now, I wonder how her future will be with a job a being also a public speaker.

Today I heard/saw that anyone can do anything and no one is alone. This made me think my problems are small. Now, I wonder what I can do to help anyone.

Today I heard/saw Giselle speak about her life and positive living. This made me think everybody has a chance in life and can make a positive difference. Now, I wonder why people are treated so differently when everybody should be given a chance.

Today I heard/saw a moving and difficult experience that seemed very hard to overcome. This made me think about how many things I take for granted in my life. Now, I wonder if my problems can be easily overcome if Giselle could overcome her problems.

Today I heard/saw to overcome obstacles. This made me think I can make a difference. Now, I wonder what else can I do to help others in need?

Today I heard/saw Giselle talk about her experience. This made me think that I need to help other people like her. Now, I wonder if I can help others.

Today I heard/saw Giselle communicate through her V-Max. This made me think how strong she and her professional worker are to deal with these challenges. Now, I wonder what Giselle

Today I heard/saw Giselle present her presentation with no issues and have fun doing it. This made me think that people/everyone has the purpose of life, and deserve to enjoy life how it is. Now, I wonder how many children with disabilities are enjoying life with proper education and love.

Today I heard/saw Giselle speak about what she went through in life, not being able to speak or walk physically without having help. This made me think about how others like Giselle are able to cope with this. Now, I wonder if I were in her shoes how I would feel.

Today I heard/saw Giselle do a presentation with the technology she needs to use. This made me think how we need to help everyone. Now, I wonder what are ways I can help people who have it harder than me?

Today I heard/saw a very inspiring presentation from Giselle. This made me think about how much struggles others go through to do things that take me little to no effort. Now, I wonder how Giselle will continue to share her message and if she’ll continue to share it with more nationwide groups.

Today I heard/saw Giselle speak about perseverance and how people tried to support each other. This made me think how is Giselle able to effectively communicate. Now, I wonder where do you get the machine?

Today I heard/saw Giselle speak about how she perseveres through her struggles. This made me think that I am grateful for those who care about me and have my best interests at heart. Now, I wonder how I can become a better person and make a difference in the life of others.

Today I heard/saw a presentation about Giselle’s life how she communicates and what she uses/does in a day. This made me think about how Giselle is more similar to us then I thought we both write exams, tests and so on.. Now, I wonder how much of an impact the technology had on people like Giselle, it must have made things a lot easier.

Today I heard/saw a presentation from Giselle about her life and dreams. This made me think that disabilities are not easy to live with. They do not stop you from living your dreams. Now, I wonder will Giselle go on to do these presentations for other people with similar disabilities and inspire them?

Today I heard/saw a presentation by Giselle about being herself and being kind/nice. This made me think about myself and how I can do better. Now, I wonder what I can do to help others.

Today I heard/saw Giselle’s presentation. This made me think of the struggles different people face. Now, I wonder what can I do to help others?

Today I heard/saw Giselle tell her story with her V-Max. This made me think everyone is perfect and technology has come a long way. Now, I wonder how I may help others.

Today I heard/saw the presentation on V-Max. This made me think about how I can help others. Now, I wonder how I will help others who are less fortunate

Today I heard/saw Giselle present. This made me think of Stephen Hawking. Now, I wonder do they have the same condition?

Today I heard/saw the new technology Giselle uses to communicate called V-Max. This made me think where is the machine found? Now, I wonder how does it work and how many options there are to adequately communicate.

Today I heard/saw how Giselle overcame her challenges. This made me think that I should recognize how lucky I am. Now, I wonder what more can I do to help others with their challenges?

Today I heard/saw Giselle present about her life. This made me think about how everyone has their own challenges. Now, I wonder how to deal with my challenges.

Today I heard/saw Giselle presented in our class today, about her life. This made me think that life is different for everybody. Now, I wonder how to deal with my own life.

Today I heard/saw Giselle teach us about V-Max. This made me think of the different ways of learning and coping for Giselle compared to me. Now, I wonder the difficulty of not being able to communicate what they want, whenyou want. It’s really amazing.

Today I heard/saw Gisellepresent a slideshow on overcoming her challenges. This made me think about how anyone could think that people can view those with mental and physical disabilities as less than normal. Now, I wonder what I can do to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

Today I heard/saw no person is an island. Giselle has been using V-Max for 8 years. This made me think that I should talk about my problems to another person. If other people like Giselle also uses it. Now, I wonder how can Giselle communicate before she had the V-Max.

Today I heard/saw a presentation given by Giselle about her dreams. This made me think that her disabilities never stopped her from achieving her goal. Now, I wonder how many more people with similar disabilities that she could inspire if her message was toldon a larger scale.