Presented to Grade 7 and 8 Students at St Veronica’s Elementary School Today!
Posted On November 23, 2018
I felt so welcomed, as a public speaker, by all the friendly staff and all the attentive and engaged grade 7 and 8 students at St. Veronica’s Elementary School in Mississauga!
It was truly a wonderful and blessed afternoon … Thank you all so much for inviting me as a public speaker!
Mr. Jones, a grade 8 teacher at St. Veronica’s was ever so gracious, hospitable, helpful and kind in getting me all set up in the gymnasium. Thanks again Mr. Jones!
Mrs. Mitchell, a fellow grade 8 teacher at St. Veronica’s reached out to me, after my presentation last week at the Faith and Program Committee Meeting at the DPCDSB, and helped to co-ordinate this event at her school for all the grade 7 and 8 students there. For this, I will always truly be thankful and appreciative for her ongoing confidence in me! She was formerly my grade 9 religion teacher (Mrs. Fijan) at Loyola Catholic Secondary School. She was amazing then … and she continues to be ever so awesome now!
Thank you all so much!
Although, I have presented at many grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 classes, St. Veronica’s is my FIRST grade 7 and 8 audience. I’m so glad the students enjoyed and appreciated my presentation. I am truly feeling blessed.
Enclosed is a wonderful collage of images, as shared, on Twitter this afternoon: