Great Day Presenting to Leadership Classes at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Today

Great Day Presenting to Leadership Classes at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School in Brampton today.

Immensely appreciative to Ms. Pearl, Alternative Education/Credit Recovery/Moderns, Department Head Student Success Teacher for kindly initiating these opportunities for me today.

I presented to Ms. Curic’s Grade 12 Physical Education Leadership Class during third period today. Followed with my presentation to Ms. Kane’s Grade 11 Leadership Class during fourth period.  Besides making me feel so warmly welcomed, both gracious teachers kindly assisted me with the use of their classroom’s respective technology. All the students were awesome and attentive. It was truly a great day!

Below are excerpts from the student’s Exit Tickets today:

Today I heard/saw … “-Never be afraid to seek help -Self confidence is something very valuable that should always lead us in life -Successful leaders = Inspire, lead”

This made me think … “-This made me think how fortunate I am to be in the situation I am in -This made me reflect on how I’m taking a lot for granted & in comparison to Giselle’s efforts into bettering herself, I realize I could be trying harder“

Now I wonder … “-How much more I could accomplish if I remain more confident in myself & apply myself more -How much more could I better myself if I communicated with others more”


Today I heard/saw … “A public speaker come and talk to us about her life and challenges with her disorder”

This made me think … “That people with special needs are just as able to do things we do and live similar lives like us “

Now I wonder … “How many challenges Giselle had and how she learned to overcome it”


Today I heard/saw … “-you should not be afraid to ask for help; recognize you need help to overcome obstacles -must recognize that God made you and God does not make mistakes -must have mutual respect for everybody -must never give up because we all matter”

This made me think … “*be proud of who you are. *be kind; small gestures of love. *recognize mistakes as opportunities to learn from. “

Now I wonder … “Whether Giselle wants to take her public speaking international?”


Today I heard/saw … “how to face different types of challenges (different forms) with a positive manner.”

This made me think … “‘We all matter’, we could accomplish what we plan / think, this leads to positive mind set to do anything -there’s people there to help “

Now I wonder … “it’s important to be inclusive and having a positive mind set as mentioned already. We must help one another to accomplish goals, eh. Thank You!”


Today I heard/saw … “challenges come in many shapes and forms, everyone is special, and we can all be strengthened.”

This made me think … “to face challenges in a positive manner, to seek help is a strength in character”

Now I wonder … “What are your future aspirations!”


Today I heard/saw … “a person who was born with a disability but pushed through it and didn’t let it stop her happiness”

This made me think … “It made me think about all the problems I have faced and showed they aren’t big.”

Now I wonder … “How I can help others.”


Today I heard/saw … “*You don’t have to invent anything to help others *To seek help, Strengthens Character.”

This made me think … “The more you live in a positive manner, the happier you will be.”

Now I wonder … “How / When did Giselle choose to have a positive outlook in life!”


Today I heard/saw … “That asking for help isn’t a bad thing it just means you need your loved ones more at times.”

This made me think … “That we all have our own problems like it or not. And we can’t make fun of others.”

Now I wonder … “How can we fully make accommodations to include everyone?”


Today I heard/saw … “The benefit of speaking to others to seek help for personal problems”

This made me think … “if it is easy to trust someone and openly talk about my issues”

Now I wonder … “how you my life change if I was more open about my problems”


Today I heard/saw … “Giselle’s presentation”

This made me think … “She is very inspirational and positive also encouraging and helpful.”

Now I wonder … “how does Giselle communicate”


Today I heard/saw … “How thankful Giselle is of the people who have helped her throughout her life.”

This made me think … “how big of an impact the willing & helpful people have had on her.”

Now I wonder … “What I can do to help others around me.”


Today I heard/saw … “beauty”

This made me think … “of the strength of an individual”

Now I wonder … “God does not task an individual beyond their capability. The more ‘difficult’ a task you have God is blessing you with unfathomable strength”


Today I heard/saw … “-an inspirational speaker -positive role model -confident speaker -strong student -limitless individual”

This made me think … “-how we can learn so much from someone that has gone through so many obstacles but continues to strive.”

Now I wonder … “-how we can help others with obstacles that may not have a supportive team”


Today I heard/saw … “*Beat all the challenges *We all matter *We are all blessed.”

This made me think … “We all have different challenges, but we can overcome them.”

Now I wonder … “Why I wasn’t as helpful as I can be.”


Today I heard/saw … “that it is important that we are empathetic to others and their needs, and that we should always be kind and welcoming to others when they’re going through things.”

This made me think … “how important it is to be kind and caring with others because you never know what they’re going through”

Now I wonder … “how many other people are going through rough times by themselves, and how I can help them get through it.”


Today I heard/saw … “The obstacles and challenges Giselle has had to go through her life.”

This made me think … “that even with all she’s gone through, she’s powerful and strong for persevering.”

Now I wonder … “how to be more inclusive and what other stories people have to share about themselves.”


Today I heard/saw … “An individual with a disability interacting with all of us”

This made me think … “about how blessed we are to have technology available”

Now I wonder … “What future technology can do to help us”


Today I heard/saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “that anything is possible & people are not limited by their disabilities”

Now I wonder … “What else I and others can accomplish if we don’t limit ourselves.”


Today I heard/saw … “a wonderful presentation 😊

This made me think … “about my own challenges and what I face on a daily basis …”

Now I wonder … “if I have a positive attitude like her, I could overcome own challenges.”


Today I heard/saw … “The positive effects of inclusivity programs at schools (her elementary and high school)”

This made me think … “if there were more programs in our schools.”

Now I wonder … “We could make a bigger difference and more towards inclusivity.”


Today I heard/saw … “a well performed presentation”

This made me think … “of how special life is”

Now I wonder … “How to make other people feel better”


Today I heard/saw … “that disability people need help and support too in order to be happy”

This made me think … “that everyone should be treated equally”

Now I wonder … “Why do people bully other people?”


Today I heard/saw … “a really inspiring presentation by Giselle”

This made me think … “of how many obstacles people have to face that I am unaware of.”

Now I wonder … “What can I do to help make things easier for the people around me”


Today I heard/saw … “I saw Giselle heard about her speech”

This made me think … “You can do anything don’t let people get to you”

Now I wonder … “how I can be a positive influencer.”


Today I heard/saw … “An individual that is going through physical challenges, but it didn’t let her stop her from doing what she loves”

This made me think … “That I am blessed and that I should appreciate what I have because not a lot of people have what I do”

Now I wonder … “How others face these challenges and deal with it”


Today I heard/saw … “Giselle speak about helping people”

This made me think … “How I can help people”

Now I wonder … “The things I do to affect people”


To have inspired the students, I met today is a blessing.  Thank you to Ms. Pearl, Ms. Curic and Ms. Kane for inviting me as a guest speaker.