Uplifting Afternoon Presenting on the Relationship with Self and the Virtue of Love at St. Edith Stein Elementary School
It was an uplifting afternoon presenting as a Guest Speaker on the Relationship with Self and the Virtue of Love at St. Edith Stein Elementary School to grade three to eight students on Friday January 31st, 2020.
When I arrived at the school, I was warmly welcomed by Ms. Ferrao, the Principal, who was very happy to see me again.
In the gymnasium, I was very pleased to see all the technology perfectly already set up for me by St. Stein’s awesome AV Team, namely Kian and Nicholas.
Before I got started, Ms. Ferrao provided a heartfelt inspirational introduction. Following my presentation, Kian, a very helpful young man volunteered to hold the wireless microphone, wear my FM System and approach students as they raised their hands to ask me questions. Great questions ensued and I enjoyed responding to each one.
Before the students left the gymnasium, they completed their Exit Tickets. Here are excerpts from some of these:
Today I heard/saw… “Self Love – I heard what love meant and how important it is.”
This made me think… “I need to show love to people around me and lift people up, when their down. It is important to love your self and lift yourself up and not bring your self down.”
Now, I wonder… “How much does love affect a person?”
Today I heard/saw… “I saw a girl who is very brave”
This made me think… “always believe and never give up”
Now, I wonder… “She is so powerful and how does she do it?”
Today I heard/saw… “I saw and heard you can do anything no matter what and God loves us.”
This made me think… “That she is unstoppable.”
Now, I wonder… “Where her journey will take her now.”
Today I heard/saw… “that we have to be our self, everything is a gift from God”
This made me think… “How I can be the best version of myself”
Now, I wonder… “What challenges will I have to face and how will I deal with them.”
Today I heard/saw… “The story of someone who won’t give up.”
This made me think… “That if Giselle can succeed and help others so can I”
Now, I wonder… “if I can follow what Giselle said.”
Today I heard/saw… “She has a lot of confidence”
This made me think… “I should be confident like her”
Now, I wonder… “What is the most difficult thing she has to deal with”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle Gaylie share her story and influence us to love ourselves and others.”
This made me think… “of how we should love and appreciate everything around us.”
Now, I wonder… “How should I remind myself that I should love myself?”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle’s life story and how we should love ourselves and others.”
This made me think… “I thought about how we should love others and have self-love, always respect ourselves and others.”
Now, I wonder… “How can I ignore people who treat me badly? How can I gain more respect for myself and help others gain respect for themselves?”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard that we are perfect in God’s image and to love ourselves for who we are.”
This made me think… “How can I learn to love myself more?”
Now, I wonder… “How can I help others in different ways?”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard that no matter what others think of you, as soon as you do your best.”
This made me think… “This made me think about how I can improve my life and take better self-care.”
Now, I wonder… “Now, I wonder how many people really take time to care about themselves.”
Today I heard/saw… “What she had gone through”
This made me think… “that she has gone through a lot of challenges”
Now, I wonder… “that, don’t tell anyone that they are nothing”
Today I heard/saw… “we don’t have to feel bad for ourselves when someone is hurting our feelings.”
This made me think… “don’t feel bad about yourself and you can always do more”
Now, I wonder… “how did her career start?”
Today I heard/saw… “a fighter 😊 a very good speech”
This made me think… “That I can do anything I want if I believe.”
Now, I wonder… “*If I can do my best every day. *If I can be grateful every day!”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle Gaylie”
This made me think… “you can be anything no matter what”
Now, I wonder… “even if you been through a lot you could be who you want”
Today I heard/saw… “That God made us, and we all have something special about them”
This made me think… “This is hard for her and had challenges in her life”
Now, I wonder… “that all our challenges are really gifts”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard that everyone is unique and should love each one and other.”
This made me think… “To help others when there sad and God is never wrong.”
Now, I wonder… “Will everyone be nice because when they heard about this.”
Today I heard/saw… “girl who smile – very good speech”
This made me think… “I doesn’t matter who you are or … what you look like. how she stayed so strong and never gave up.”
Now, I wonder… “-If I can be my best -to be grateful for who I am -to never put myself down -to always stand up for everyone -good speech I’m proud of you! Good job for never giving up! You’re the …Best! good job stay strong never put yourself down
Today I heard/saw… “-A girl who survived -A very good speech”
This made me think… “about how other children have disabilities.”
Now, I wonder… “-If I can do my best everyday -If I can be grateful for everything -You’re the Best!!!”
Today I heard/saw… “*A survivor *A very good speech”
This made me think… “Of all the kids my age are suffering”
Now, I wonder… “*If I can do my best everyday *If I can be grateful every day *You’re my … Inspiration!”
Today I heard/saw… “that Giselle is a believer and a positive person. And it is ok if your different.”
This made me think… “how does she always keep a positive mind”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder how she always keep a really great smile on her face and always believes in her dreams”
Today I heard/saw… “that she has been in tough times, but she never put herself down”
This made me think… “why do I become mad at myself, when I am fine”
Now, I wonder… “Now I wonder how hard it is for her, and how is she able to never put down”
Today I heard/saw… “I saw that we are all different and that we should not judge anyone!”
This made me think… “It made me think that we can do anything or achieve our dreams”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder why people bully others because we are all God’s children.”
Today I heard/saw… “To be ourselves and saw the challenges Giselle faced.”
This made me think… “To never think bad about myself.”
Now, I wonder… “how I can be better to me and people around me.”
Today I heard/saw… “a presentation that informed us about ourselves”
This made me think… “that anyone, no matter the set back, can achieve anything.”
Now, I wonder… “how many people with disabilities have achieved their goals.”
Today I heard/saw… “The challenges that Giselle has gone through”
This made me think… “That everyone goes through challenges, and Giselle went through challenges but always got through them and made a positive out of negative things.”
Now, I wonder… “Can I make negative problems into positive thing. And why people make fun of disabled people.”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard that we all have a self.”
This made me think… “How I can be the best I can be.”
Now, I wonder… “What challenges I will have to face in my life.”
Today I heard/saw… “overcoming challenges helps you to become whatever you want. Even though you may have a disability you can still do what you want.”
This made me think… “It must be hard to do everyday activities.”
Now, I wonder… “How does it feel to be in a state of where she is now.”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle’s story and how she needed love and care to move on.”
This made me think… “-How many difficulties you had to face. -Always look on the bright side”
Now, I wonder… “we should be grateful for what God has given us. -Treat others the way you want to be treated -Have a great day Giselle”
Today I heard/saw… “that even if you have a disability, you face challenges, but that doesn’t define you.”
This made me think… “how hard it must be.”
Now, I wonder… “that we need to be very thankful for life.”
Today I heard/saw… “how to have self love”
This made me think… “how I can have a good relationship with myself”
Now, I wonder… “How I can help others to find self love.”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard that we should all have self love, and that we should live our lives with many challenges to face.”
This made me think… “this made me think that we should all live our lives and that even though we face many challenges, that should not stop to achieve our goals.”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder how I could help others to achieve their goals and to find self love.”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard that no matter what … live life to the fullest”
This made me think… “It made me think no matter what … don’t let any stop you from achieving your dreams.”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder how I can help others to find self love.”
Today I heard/saw… “how to have self love”
This made me think… “how you shouldn’t care what people think”
Now, I wonder… “how I can help others find self love”
Before Ms. Blazevic’s grade eight class left the gymnasium, I was flattered to be invited to take a picture with them. In the school foyer, I had the great pleasure to take a picture with the school Principal, Ms. Ferrao, and Ms. Allen, an FDK teacher. Ms. Habashy, French teacher/librarian, Ms. Di Vito, SERC, and Ms. Dratwa, a supply teacher, happily also took their picture with me. Wonderful students and friendly staff made for an uplifting afternoon.