Terrific Thursday Afternoon at St. Alphonsa Elementary School


What a wonderful afternoon, it was, at St. Alphonsa Catholic Elementary
School today. The authentic kindness amongst staff and students was palpable. I
truly felt honoured to be invited by Ms. Pouw, the School Principal. She warmly
greeted me when I arrived. She has been remarkable during my career as a public
speaker. This is the third time; she has so graciously invited me as a Guest
Speaker to one of her schools: The first time was at St. Jean-Marie Vianney and
the second time was Guardian Angel Elementary School. I was absolutely
delighted to finally meet her today too! While in the office, when I arrived, I
also had the distinct pleasure to meet Ms. Hukil, the new Vice-Principal, too.

Ms. Pouw escorted us to the gymnasium, and was a great help getting me,
everything I needed: Projection screen, microphones, stands, the works! Karen,
the kind custodian was ever helpful too, ready to lend a hand, as needed.

After lunch, the classrooms from junior kindergarten to grade 8 began to
gather quite nicely in the gymnasium. Ms. Pouw, went above and beyond, and
provided each teacher, as they came into the gymnasium, with an envelope of
Exit Tickets, or an Exit Sheet (for classes from JK to Grade one.) I provided
these to her for the students to complete as a way of reflecting on my
presentation when they return to class. When I began to speak to simply greet
everyone, the students became silent so quickly and so well. It was impressive
and very much appreciated too.

Following an enthusiastic and kind introduction by Ms. Pouw, I commenced my Motivational
Public Speaking presentation to a most attentive audience of approximately 370
students and their teachers. The audience was wonderful! A question period
ensued after my presentation, and again the ever so kind principal, Ms. Pouw,
used the wireless microphone to approach the students, who raised their hands
to ask me questions. I happily answered them.

After a group picture was taken, and while students got up from the
gymnasium floor, some students approached me and shared the sweetest
sentiments, which were heartfelt.

While the students were back in their classrooms completing their Exit
Tickets / Exit Sheets, I walked around the school gym and foyer. There I had an
opportunity to meet a few teachers. I had my picture taken with Mr. Quintana, grade eight teacher, 
and Karen,  the caring custodian. Everyone, I came across had very kind and
encouraging words to share that made me feel good.

As classrooms completed their Exit Tickets, a couple of students would bring
them down to the office. Before I left, Ms. Pouw gave an announcement that I
was leaving and any remaining completed exit Tickets to be brought to the
office, and they promptly were. Students and teachers were fabulous! The following
are excerpts from some of the Exit Tickets:

Today, I heard / saw … “Even when life is hard you just have to work hard and sometimes you just have to talk to someone.”

This made me think … “How hard is it to live in a world with negative people putting you down.”

Now, I wonder … “If Giselle were to been born at 40 weeks would the same thing have happened.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “That she is inspiring, that we are all unique and special.”

Now, I wonder … “more about cerebral palsy, the conditions for people with disabilities in other places in the world.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle using communicative technology to talk to us about herself.”

This made me think … “About how we created ways for people with disabilities to communicate with the world.”

Now, I wonder … “What else can we do to help people with disabilities?”

Today, I heard / saw … “That Giselle has to wear a reciprocal gator brace and that she has cerebral palsy.”

This made me think … “How does someone get cerebral palsy.”

Now, I wonder … “How rare it is to get cerebral palsy.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle give a motivational speech.”

This made me think … “How does she speak without typing anything?”

Now, I wonder … “How do you do normal day to day activities with limited motion?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle.”

This made me think … “About how anyone can be positive.”

Now, I wonder … “about everyone who has disabilities and what their life is like.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle a speech about being kind and her life.”

This made me think … “this made me think how lucky I am”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how it’s like to have cerebral palsy”

Today, I heard / saw … “The video of Giselle’s life, her struggles / challenges and how she gets through them.”

This made me think … “Despite facing so many challenges and problems all her life Giselle still gave it her all and became a motivational speaker.”

Now, I wonder … “How the rest of Giselle’s life will go and how I can maybe help others who go through similar struggles /challenges.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle, a woman who was born prematurely and has cerebral palsy. She was talking about her struggles and how we are not alone.”

This made me think … “about how much she struggled, and how I’m not alone.”

Now, I wonder … “how many kids are currently struggling alone.”

Today, I heard / saw … “about how many people have struggled but they should never give up.”

This made me think … “about how lucky we are to have the support we have.”

Now, I wonder … “how other people experience their lives.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle talk about how she got through a lot of stuff.”

This made me think … “This made me think about others going through similar problems.’

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if there will be more tech to help her even more.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie and her inspiring speech.”

This made me think … “That there is always faith in humanity, and to help and be kind to others.”

Now, I wonder … “If there were ever challenges that she had to be faced on her own.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Everyone matters”

This made me think … “How hard life is for challenge people.”

Now, I wonder … “If people didn’t care how much harder would it be.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw Giselle come in and give us a good lesson on respect.”

This made me think … “I think that she is very confident in herself which is very inspiring.”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder how she will help others more.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “To be kind to everyone and respect everyone”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder what it was like for Giselle growing up and how she learned in school”

Today, I heard / saw … “A presentation about including people and being a good person.”

This made me think … “to respect everyone and be kind.”

Now, I wonder … “If it’s difficult for people with disabilities to learn.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle come and bravely talk about her disabilities”

This made me think … “I though that she is very cool”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if there could be a cure to scoliosis.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A story of a lady with a wheelchair who was a public speaker.”

This made me think … “Anything is possible. She is a good motivator speaker”

Now, I wonder … “When she goes somewhere does she bring her computer device to talk to her friends.”

Today, I heard / saw … “that anything is possible with God.”

This made me think … “how to stay positive.”

Now, I wonder … “how do I stay positive when things get hard.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that cerebral palsy is a disease when your brain makes body parts move and you can’t control it.”

This made me think … “This made me think how someone is with cerebral palsy.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if there is treatments for cerebral palsy”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie, her mother and her father.”

This made me think … “About how hard everyday stuff is for her.”

Now, I wonder … “About her everyday life and how it impacted her and people around her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “About Giselle’s life and her struggles.”

This made me think … “That we can do anything that we put our minds to.”

Now, I wonder … “Where she got her shoes.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That Giselle goes through many challenges”

This made me think … “If it was easy or difficult to face physically and mentally.”

Now, I wonder … “If one day, someone in this school will become a Public Speaker like Giselle for my kids.”

Today, I heard / saw … “that it’s always okay to ask for help and assistance.”

This made me think … “that there is always hope from God”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how does she sleep”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a kind voice. I saw a kind person.”

This made me think … “We are all different.”

Now, I wonder … “Why does someone who is kind has to get a bad disorder or physical disability.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie talking to us about how everyone has their own problems and it is okay to be interdependent”

This made me think … “that you can do anything if you believe in God & yourself”

Now, I wonder … “What other challenges does Giselle face?”

Today, I heard / saw … I saw Giselle Gaylie.”

This made me think … “about being nice and including everyone.”

Now, I wonder … “If people are going to be more nicer.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle telling her story about the challenges.”

This made me think … “we should be kind”

Now, I wonder … “how she was able to overcome challenges she faced”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie and her wonderful presentation. I heard many great / motivational quotes and sayings.”

This made me think … “about what Giselle Gaylie looks up to when she is in a bad mood.”

Now, I wonder … “How people with disabilities can live without the ability to do certain stuff.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie.”

This made me think … “that nobody alone.”

Now, I wonder … “Why did Giselle become a motivational speaker”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle Gaylie and that she can’t walk or talk and I heard her talk from a computer.”

This made me think … “that nothing impossible as long you work hard”

Now, I wonder … “Hou her though help her talk with a computer and what other hobbies she has.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie inspire me to believe in myself.”

This made me think … “If she can go through hardships I can go through hardships”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie story and I saw she can’t talk and walk.”

This made me think … “Don’t give up.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a very motivational speech by Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “how she talks”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle Gaylie walk”

This made me think … “it must be hard for her”

Now, I wonder … “if her coming to our school will make us kinder to each other”

Today, I heard / saw … “her life and journey through the years”

This made me think … “about the others who are going through the same.”

Now, I wonder … “how challenging it would be for her”

Today, I heard / saw … “that she uses like a tablet to talk”

This made me think … “that we should try to put ourselves in someone’s shoes cause you never know what they go through”

Now, I wonder … “does she type to talk or is there a way it connects to her brain?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle was telling us that not to give up.”

This made me think … “that we should not let anything stand in our way.”

Now, I wonder … “That I should not give up.”

Today, I heard / saw … “*Giselle couldn’t talk * Giselle couldn’t walk without assistance.”

This made me think … “*Inspired. Giselle never gave up no matter how hard it must have been.”

Now, I wonder … “*How hard and sad Giselle’s parents were when they found out but also of how hard their daughter worked.”

Today, I heard / saw … Giselle talking about inclusion.”

This made me think … “-that if everyone did this the world would be a better place.”

Now, I wonder … “why she choose the career of a public speaker.”

Today, I heard / saw … ” Giselle’s Presentation *She couldn’t talk *She needed assistance”

This made me think … “*Did you get bullied a lot? *Was it hard to get through school?”

Now, I wonder … “*You probably didn’t go to university / college. *What it is like to be different.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw Giselle on the slide show stay strong and be happy even from what she’s going through.”

This made me think … “When I saw this it made me realize how strong she is and that you can do anything.”

Now, I wonder … “If she is going to know that everything will be ok”

Today, I heard / saw … “A Public Speaker and a beautiful girl.”

This made me think … “How her life has been though the years.”

Now, I wonder … “When she got inspired to be a public speaker.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle tell a motivational speech.”

This made me think … “how many challenges have she faced.”

Now, I wonder … “if she ever gets made …. For being mute.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard I am a good person. I saw her smiling enjoying herself”

This made me think … “this made me think she had a nice life.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder got made fun of at school.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard helping people is kind.”

This made me think … “That being kind makes me happy.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder where Giselle Gaylie is from”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle walk.”

This made me think … “She is proud.”

Now, I wonder … “how hard is it to do stuff”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw her walk.”

This made me think … “that I should not give up.”

Now, I wonder … “What’s her favourite colour.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard she was always happy.”

This made me think … “She didn’t care of her issue.”

Now, I wonder … “how it feels.’

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle stand. I heard Giselle say everyone’s a star.’”

This made me think … “how happy Giselle is when we clapped for her.”

Now, I wonder … “what’s Giselle’s favourite holiday.”

Today, I heard / saw … “She has braces on her legs.”

This made me think … “God made you unique.”

Now, I wonder … “Everyone is different”

Today, I heard / saw … “Life is not easy a very special girl”

Now, I wonder … “how she was born like this but she is still beautiful and I love her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That she needs help with things.”

This made me think … “That she has special needs and she is very unique.”

Now, I wonder … “where is her brother and what is he doing?”

Today, I heard / saw … “That you should ALWAYS be proud of who you are.”

This made me think … “That sometimes we have to face hard challenges.”

Now, I wonder … “what it’s like to have a different ability.”

Today, I heard / saw … “some difficulties that people had to go through in life”

This made me think … “that we have to be grateful every day.”

Now, I wonder … “What is Giselle’s siblings name.”

Today, I heard / saw … “cerebral palsy and everyday is a blessing.”

This made me think … “how would I feel if I was her.”

Now, I wonder … “what is her fave colour and fave food.”

Today, I heard / saw … “people with disabilities have challenges that may face them”

This made me think … “bad for other who have cerebral palsy”

Now, I wonder … “how do people with disabilities feel?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that we should never give up.”

This made me think … “this made me think about how she could take steps.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how difficult it was for her to answer questions.”

Today, I heard / saw … “every day is a blessing”

This made me think … “how will it feel to be her”

Now, I wonder … “what do you like to do”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw Giselle walking.”

This made me think … “if you have a hard life”

Now, I wonder … “if I could have your phone number.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle is happy”

This made me think … “I like her pink dress”

Today, I heard / saw … “her happy and excited.”

This made me think … “when I was very sick and felt like I could not walk.”

Now, I wonder … “What it’s like to be small not able to walk.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That you have to treat others the way you want to be treated.”

This made me think … “not to bully people”

Now, I wonder … “how did she get treated.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie.”

This made me think … “of how she walked by herself.”

Now, I wonder … “If her life is going great.”

Today, I heard / saw … “stand and walk”

This made me think … “we are wonderful”

Now, I wonder … “we are unique”

Today, I heard / saw … “to work hard and to not give up / Giselle Gaylie.”

This made me think … “of how hard her life is”

Now, I wonder … “what is it like?”

Today, I heard / saw … “How hard Giselle Gaylie’s life was.”

This made me think … “That everything can be achieved.”

Now, I wonder … “How she passed through all those hard moments.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie.”

This made me think … “Wow Giselle is at St. Alphonsa.”

Now, I wonder … “Am I going to see Giselle again?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle Gaylie.”

This made me think … “every thing you put your mind to you can achieve”

Now, I wonder … “what she did when people bullied her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That if you could set your mind on something you could do it”

This made me think … “Nobody has a disability it is a different ability”

Now, I wonder … “What I achieve”

Today, I heard / saw … “How Giselle overcame challenges.”

This made me think … “About how positivity can influence the world.”

Now, I wonder … “What cerebral palsy is.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “about always asking for help when needed”

Now, I wonder … “How they invented the talking machine.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s awesome presentation”

This made me think … “that even with some challenges to living you can still make an impact”

Now, I wonder … “how she faces challenges and how she overcomes them”

Today, I heard / saw … “A disabled person follow her dream and succeeded”

This made me think … “that don’t judge.”

Now, I wonder … “is her condition common?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle the spokesperson raise awareness to her disability.”

This made me think … “of all the other people with the same disability and what they go through.”

Now, I wonder … “who invented the special machines she uses to walk.”

Today, I heard / saw … ” Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “About how we are born differently”

Now, I wonder … “How does the world challenges us differently?”

Today, I heard / saw … “to respect people for who they are”

This made me think … “Why people don’t respect people sometimes.”

Now, I wonder … “Why people don’t respect people”

Today, I heard / saw … “a very good presentation about Giselle.”

This made me think … “about how good the world is and impact the world.”

Now, I wonder … “If she can do anything by herself”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle shared how her life is with her challenges.”

This made me think … “How the machine was made for us to hear her thoughts.”

Now, I wonder … “How other people with disabilities go through life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “How people should respect others.”

Now, I wonder … “How people invented a machine so she can talk?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard to help people.”

This made me think … “how does she do her hair?”

Now, I wonder … “how does she sleep?”

Today, I heard / saw … “that everything is possible”

This made me think … “how hard her life was.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how hard it is to live life without patience.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a girl that has a lot of challenges and obstacles.”

This made me think … “how many obstacles and challenges does she have”

Now, I wonder … “how many jobs does she have? And can she read”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw a person paralyzed.”

This made me think … “I thought about all the people that struggle”

Now, I wonder … “Could I do something to help people that struggle”

Today, I heard / saw … “to never give up and accept help when given”

This made me think … “that I hope she lives a full life.”

Now, I wonder … “how will she take a bath”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that Giselle never quits”

This made me think … “I can do anything.”

Now, I wonder … “Will Giselle continue her life?”

Today, I heard / saw … “that Giselle kept practicing standing and walking”

This made me think … “I always need to be nice Never give up”

Now, I wonder … “how can I be nice and help others”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle go through challenges”

This made me think … “of having a growth mindset. Doing challenging things help my brain grow.”

Now, I wonder … “what will be my next challenge.”

Today, I heard / saw … “* Giselle’s school pictures * A brave young lady * Giselle smiling”

This made me think … “* that we should be thankful for our blessings * I want to spread kindness”

Now, I wonder … “* Do you get tired staying in one position for a long time? * What is your favourite part of your work?”

Today, I heard / saw … “* music in the videos * people * the school Giselle went to + the big kids and teachers watching * a rainbow and traffic lights (in the video)”

This made me think … “* she needs something to help her stand * Giselle has a speaker to help her talk”

Now, I wonder … “What was she like as a kid? * How can she walk on her own? * How does she criss – cross apple sauce? *Does she like to read? How can she talk?”

Today, I heard / saw … “we were listening to Giselle, what happened and how she overcame her disabilities.”

This made me think … “about her life being hard. When you have people to support you it makes life better.”

Now, I wonder … “do you always need a support person? Can you play any games? How do you get in the car? Do you need a special chair?”

Today, I heard / saw … “how Giselle’s life is like with cerebral palsy”

This made me think … “How hard it may be to live like this”

Now, I wonder … “If she was born at 40 weeks would she still have cerebral palsy.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a motivational speech”

This made me think … “How lucky I am.”

Now, I wonder … “How does she get up the stairs.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “that she’s inspiring”

Now, I wonder … “more about cerebral palsy”

Today, I heard / saw … “A public speaker.”

This made me think … “how hard her life is.”

Now, I wonder … “if someone can help her live without her braces.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw someone with disabled legs stand”

This made me think … “this made me think how easy my life is”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how she deals with other when rude to her”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard some inspirational quotes.”

This made me think … “we are very lucky to be living and every body has to be grateful for this opportunity”

Now, I wonder … “if it is possible to cure”

Today, I heard / saw … “A human communicating to me with a computer software.”

This made me think … “about how lucky I am to have the ability to walk.”

Now, I wonder … “What challenges does Giselle Gaylie face everyday?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie sharing her life story to the school”

This made me think … “This made me think that Giselle Gaylie had a very harsh life and she pushed through that”

Now, I wonder … “How does her parents feel? How did she become a motivational speaker? How many times a day does she have each therapy?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard many motivational quotes and sayings.”

This made me think … “about how it’s not always good to be independent.”

Now, I wonder … “How many people are born with this condition.”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I heard that some people have it harder than most people”

This made me think … “this made me think that I should be grateful for what I can do”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if she can go on one of the rides at Canada’s Wonderland”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw how hard her life was”

This made me think … “if this was me it would be harder for me”

Now, I wonder … “how she gets through her day everyday”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw she can walk and I heard she’s a public speaker.”

This made me think … “She is going through a lot.”

Now, I wonder … “What if I was her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle wearing braces on her legs.”

This made me think … “Of how strong she is.”

Now, I wonder … “If communication is hard.”

Today, I heard / saw … “her walk today”

This made me think … “how brave she is”

Now, I wonder … “What she does on her free time”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle walk”

This made me think … “how hard she worked on that”

Now, I wonder … “what it would be like if I was her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “her stand up”

This made me think … “She could stand up easily”

Now, I wonder … “how does her grid pad know what she is thinking.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw Giselle walk & stand.”

This made me think … “It reminded me of my cousin autism”

Now, I wonder … “what’s your favourite colour”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle walk.”

This made me think … “that she’s happy”

Now, I wonder … “what is her favourite colour”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw that she had braces on her legs   “

This made me think … “that she is unique.”

Now, I wonder … “where her brother is.”

Today, I heard / saw … “She was born with cerebral palsy”

This made me think … “I don’t realize how easy my life is”

Now, I wonder … “How does she read!”

Today, I heard / saw … ” Everyday is a blessing”

This made me think … “some people have more challenges than others”

Now, I wonder … “when did the speaking device come”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle walking”

This made me think … “when I was little boy I had surgery at only six weeks old.”

Now, I wonder … “How she talks.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “I need to listen”

Now, I wonder … “How does she get in and out of the shower.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle.”

This made me think … “what Giselle goes through everyday.”

Now, I wonder … “If she lives by herself”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about her life.”

This made me think … “Even with a disability you can still impact the world”

Now, I wonder … “If she can do anything by herself.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle had trouble using her hands and legs”

This made me think … “how her life on a wheelchair.”

Now, I wonder … “how is her life going to be.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A beautiful inspiring and powerful person / presentation that moved the school & made me feel that I matter.”

This made me think … “This made me think that everyone matters & all opinions, thoughts and words count!”

Now, I wonder … “How can we change the world with these words of wisdom? Who can we inspire? How do we tell / show others that they matter?”

What a blessing to inspire such amazing students. Again, I am so grateful to Ms. Pouw for the honour bestowed to speak to her students this afternoon.

Upon leaving the school, Ms. Hukil, Karen, and Ms. Pouw were most attentive.
They expressed thanks; and Ms. Pouw and Karen helped me out to the van too.
There I saw the brilliant school sign which welcomed me. I loved it! What an
honour to have my name in lights, like that!

It was a terrific Thursday afternoon at St. Alphonsa Catholic Elementary
School, the first week back for students in 2024!