Grand Morning at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School

It was a grand morning at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School speaking to students from junior kindergarten to grade eight.

When we arrived at this blessed school, Mr. Kenny, the School Principal, warmly greeted me and my team. He kindly escorted us to the gymnasium, where he had all the technology already set up for my presentation this morning. Ensuring, we were well, Mr. Kenny went off to do bus duty. Soon thereafter a couple of kind teachers stepped in to offer additional assistance with the set-up process. Once Ms. Oliveira, teacher, came into the gym, she assisted with the final connections to the separate microphones. Ms. Oliveira continued her kind technical assistance later too, while I presented. When Mr. Kenny returned to the gymnasium, he and some senior students brought chairs into the gymnasium.

Once, all was set up, classes started to populate the gym. As they came in, I happily greeted them. Melanie, a student, kindly introduced me. Shortly thereafter, I commenced, my motivational public speaking presentation. I enjoyed a wonderful audience of attentive students throughout my presentation.
A Question-and-Answer period ensued. Melanie, once again, was kindly right there to assist with the handheld microphone, as students raised their hands to ask me questions. I received great questions!
Mr. Kenny gave appreciative final remarks of thanks to me and highlighted key messages for his amazing students. Pictures were taken, kind and encouraging words shared and smiles that enveloped friendly faces to truly make my day!

Teachers from Junior Kindergarten to grade eight received Exit Tickets for their students.
The primary grades received Exit Sheets, which promoted a class reflection; whereas,
the older students received individual exit tickets to personally reflect. Once
students returned to their classes, they took a moment to reflect and to
complete their Exit Tickets. Below are excerpts from some of these:

Today, I heard / saw … “a very strong woman”

This made me think … “everything is possible with some help”

Now, I wonder … “How good you are Giselle”

Today, I heard / saw … “A person with disability”

This made me think … “That not everyone is fortunate”

Now, I wonder … “How different their life is”

Today, I heard / saw … “A very positive challenged person”

This made me think … “What if I was in that situation”

Now, I wonder … “How she goes through her everyday life”

Today, I heard / saw … “the challenges Giselle faced with her disability”

This made me think … “how did she manage to do this”

Now, I wonder … “where she will go next”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle stand up by herself”

This made me think … “that anyone can do what they want”

Now, I wonder … “how Giselle got help when she was a baby”

Today, I heard / saw … “her walk”

This made me think … “wow she is strong”

Now, I wonder … “will she find a way to walk on her own”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle sharing her life story”

This made me think … “Was she born with all of those things”

Now, I wonder … “will she soon be able to walk”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a woman named Giselle who has a disability”

This made me think … “What other people out there have a story like this”

Now, I wonder … ” What other people out there have a story like this “

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a motivational speech”

This made me think … “the challenges all people go through”

Now, I wonder … “What will inspire me”

Today, I heard / saw … ” Giselle.”

This made me think … “about life”

Now, I wonder … “about her life … inspirational”

Today, I heard / saw … “An inspirational person”

This made me think … “I can be inspirational”

Now, I wonder … “How she lives her life”

Today, I heard / saw … “A kind woman with cerebral palsy”

This made me think … “That I am fortunate in life”

Now, I wonder … “If being kind to others can really make a difference”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a motivational speech by wonderful lady who tries her best at everything she does.”

This made me think … “About the way I look at things in life and that anything can be accomplished if it was attempted.”

Now, I wonder … “if she has anymore disabilities”

Today, I heard / saw … “A human proud of herself.”

This made me think … “Everyone should be proud.”

Now, I wonder … “How the world will be with proud people like Giselle.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone with a wheelchair.”

This made me think … “What disabilities does she have.”

Now, I wonder … “is it hard for her to do the everyday things she does.”

Today, I heard / saw … “how confident Giselle is”

This made me think … “how brave we can be”

Now, I wonder … “how the world can stop bullying”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle never gave up to learn how to balance.”

This made me think … “that you should always believe in yourself.”

Now, I wonder … “How the speaker works.”

Today, I heard / saw … “She has cerebral palsy”

This made me think … “Well she has a twin brother”

Now, I wonder … “What about her brother, does he have it too.”

Today, I heard / saw … “You can’t let people take advantage of you and you have to stand up for yourself.”

This made me think … “I can do anything”

Today, I heard / saw … “She favourite stuff the Giselle”

This made me think … “of that my step mom”

Now, I wonder … “That this is very sweet”

Today, I heard / saw … “God made us all like this for a reason.”

This made me think … ” I shouldn’t let other people bring me down.”

Now, I wonder … ” Who much people go through bullying.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A person overcome quite a few challenges”

This made me think … “If she still feels a little annoyed from being bullied back then”

Now, I wonder … “Where her brother is.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw someone who inspired me”

This made me think … “Who helps her when her parents can’t”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if she has a hearing collar”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that you should never give up”

This made me think … “can I do the same”

Now, I wonder … “How can she read. How the tablet connects to her”

Today, I heard / saw … “Kindness”

Now, I wonder … “How much physio therapy”

Now, I wonder … “What you like to do”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a person who had …”

This made me think … “it made me feel really sad”

Now, I wonder … “How does it connect to her head”

Today, I heard / saw … “her AI”

This made me think … “if she can have a car”

Now, I wonder … “if she can walk by herself”

Today, I heard / saw … “I respect her”

This made me think … “…”

Now, I wonder … “…”

Today, I heard / saw … “That she said some encouraging words to us all.”

This made me think … “Does she have a favourite book to read?”

Now, I wonder … “Does she have a partner at school?”

Today, I heard / saw … “lots of kindness”

This made me think … “does she help other people”

Now, I wonder … “What happens when the messaging gets wet”

Today, I heard / saw … “a very positive person”

This made me think … “if she could walk by herself”

Now, I wonder … “if she likes to read”

Today, I heard / saw … “She said she likes sports.”

This made me think … “I love sports too.”

Now, I wonder … “How does she play sports?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a AI robot help disabled people”

This made me think … “When her parents die who will help her”

Now, I wonder … “Does anyone help her play sports”

Today, I heard / saw … “it took her time to learn how to stand”

This made me think … “wow I didn’t know she is a public speaker”

Now, I wonder … “how she learned how to stand”

Today, I heard / saw … “using those who will help”

This made me think … “if that will happen to me”

Now, I wonder … “how did that happen”

Today, I heard / saw … “a woman say her side of the story but on a computer”

This made me think … “when I grow up I want to be as important as her.”

Now, I wonder … “How close are you to your twin”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I saw students”

This made me think … “that being disabled is not bad at all”

Today, I heard / saw … “A respectful person”

This made me think … “Should I be more like her”

Now, I wonder … “is it hard to skate”

Today, I heard / saw … “encouraging words”

This made me think … “that it is ok”

Now, I wonder … “Does she read”

Today, I heard / saw … “Kindness”

This made me think … “people who are mean bully”

Now, I wonder … “Do you read”

Today, I heard / saw … “her life is now”

This made me think … “of how you may need help somedays but not really want it.”

Now, I wonder … “how the device connects to you?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “how did she get that way”

Now, I wonder … “can her condition be cured”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s wheelchair and her mother.”

This made me think … “Why are people born different from others”

Now, I wonder … “If Giselle’s disability is an ability we just don’t have”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that her disability is that she has cerebral palsy.”

This made me think … “That how does she play sports”

Now, I wonder … “How she can take a shower”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “How grateful I should be”

Now, I wonder … “How she eats”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie talk about herself”

This made me think … “Without anyone nothings possible”

Now, I wonder … “Is anything possible with the help of others”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “how much people have her condition”

Now, I wonder … “What’s it’s like to have cerebral palsy”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “How she can live her life with her cerebral palsy”

Now, I wonder … “How she doesn’t listen to the bullies”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

Now, I wonder … “of Maud – Lewis (A famous painter)”

Now, I wonder … “Is there a cure for cerebral palsy?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “that how hard some peoples lives are and to be grateful of the lives we have.”

Now, I wonder … “What is it like to live with that disability”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a person that coulden some things”

This made me think … “How is she so brave”

Now, I wonder … “How can she get in the car”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie and that she has cerebral palsy.”

This made me think … “How her life was from her she was a baby to now.”

Now, I wonder … “What she will do now”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle a truly amazing person that lives so much struggles but still wants to be a motivational speaker truly inspiring to all.”

This made me think … “That I am grateful for my ability to speak, walk and live with no problems.”

Now, I wonder … “would my life be any different  if I was premature and had cerebral palsy.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie walk today”

This made me think … “sad cuz she has a disabilities”

Now, I wonder … “how it feels to have a disabilities”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie talking about her disabilities.”

This made me think … “This made me sad because she had to grow up with disabilities.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder why she did not give up. It would be so hard to not be mad when people are rude to you”

Today, I heard / saw … “It was amazing to hear.”

This made me think … “-It made me feel sad.”

Now, I wonder … “-If she would get better”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “I can appreciate what I have. It was good. I think about her obstacles.”

Now, I wonder … “how she came this far in life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie stand up and heard her talk.”

This made me think … “about her life outside of school”

Now, I wonder … “If people acted different to Giselle.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle.”

This made me think … “how does it feel to be her”

Now, I wonder … “how hard it must be to not talk”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard an AI voice and the struggles has to go through what I saw was pics of her and her walk.”

This made me think … “This made me think about how she deals with cerebral palsy and what she goes through.”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder what happens in her daily life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That Giselle Gaylie has cerebral palsy”

This made me think … “This made me think about Wonder the book”

Now, I wonder … “How it’s like to have a disability”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone being disrespectful.”

This made me think … “How bad people are.”

Now, I wonder … “How to make them a better person.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a girl with special needs who talked with a computer”

This made me think … “That it is sad that people are like that”

Now, I wonder … “If she feels normal and happy”

Today, I heard / saw … “a presentation on asking for help”

This made me think … “everybody is unique”

This made me think … “What disability Giselle had”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard Giselle communicate on a computer and I saw her history and younger images of her.”

This made me think … “This made me think of how hard it is to live like that.”

Now, I wonder … “how she lives in her everyday life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “How she made it through school”

Now, I wonder … “How was life for Giselle”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard an AI.”

This made me think … “How much stuff she can do, even in a wheelchair!”

Now, I wonder … “How long she was in a wheelchair?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard talking different. I saw Giselle is different. She’s cool.”

This made me think … “everyone is very different.”

Now, I wonder … “how people are different.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw how Giselle walked I heard what she went through”

This made me think … “this made me feel bad for Giselle and would like to help her in anyway I can”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how her morning routine”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard and saw that Giselle had disabilities”

This made me think … “This made me think if Giselle had ever walked without someone”

Now, I wonder … “Now, I wonder if Giselle will walk on her own”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle present to the school”

This made me think … “how hard it was for Giselle”

Now, I wonder … “When Giselle not her disability”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talking about her life and differences about her life.”

This made me think … “that we all have differences in life!”

Now, I wonder … ” that maybe Giselle will make a difference with talking to us.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle and I heard that I should never lose hope and always be kind.”

This made me think … “That I should never be disrespectful and be  respectful and have hope”

Now, I wonder … “Giselle is a very good influence for everybody”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw that Giselle had a hard life.”

This made me think … “This made me think that all of us are the same on the inside”

Now, I wonder … “It made me wonder if you want to be my friend?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw Giselle. I heard she is disable and she is beautiful public speaker.”

This made me think … “This made me think about how she is always active upon her condition.”

Now, I wonder … “Now, I wonder what her background is? And I wonder how brave she is to be a public speaker.”

Today, I heard / saw … “All about how she types fast, and what she went through, and also, all about Giselle’s favourites.”

This made me think … “This made me think about how she went through this, this seemed very hard for her.”

Now, I wonder … “Now, I wonder how she she uses the AI thing and crutches.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about her school life and how people are kind to her.”

This made me think … “that even if you have a disability your still a person and that’s all that matters.”

Now, I wonder … “that no matter what you look like or sound like we’re still God’s kids.”

Today, I heard / saw … “to appreciate yourself”

This made me think … “I should be more caring”

Now, I wonder … “it’s good to be happier than being sad”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard Giselle’s story and saw Giselle’s disability.”

This made me think … “This made me think how hard her life is”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how she does physical activities”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle.”

This made me think … “She likes dresses.”

Now, I wonder … “If she likes summer”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard / saw a presentation of Giselle”

This made me think … “I thought of a hardworking lady”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how long it took Giselle to stand by herself”

Today, I heard / saw … “How Giselle could stand by herself”

This made me think … “How long did it take her to stand by herself?”

Now, I wonder … “How much did the equipment cost?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle and I heard she has personal assistance”

This made me think … “That she needs more help than me”

Now, I wonder … “That she is in college or university”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a presentation about Giselle! I heard a nice speech about respect.”

This made me think … “About how she has a positive mind”

Now, I wonder … “What does she do on a daily basis?”

Today, I heard / saw … “how lots of people go through lots of things but they stay strong and love their self in every way”

This made me think … “that we all need that one person who never lets you down  and always says nice things.”

Now, I wonder … “if people always think good instead of bad and is thinking about good thoughts I hope.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “if I had the sickness …, she was confident, now I know being in a wheelchair isn’t so bad. She was smiling the whole time, she showing love”

Now, I wonder … “How did she play at recess?”

Today, I heard / saw … “-Giselle talking about her life – We saw that she had a good time in school -Giselle looks very happy”

This made me think … “- We can overcome many things in our lives. We should never give up.”

Now, I wonder … “- We wonder how hard her speaking device is to use.”

Today, I heard / saw … “How beautiful you can be without being able to do everything.”

This made me think … “That don’t let anything get to you no matter what.”

Now, I wonder … “How I can motivate myself to be better.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A disabled person living their life.”

This made me think … “did she ever doubt herself?”

Now, I wonder … “Are there other people like her?”

Today, I heard / saw … “A motivational speaker”

This made me think … “about how we can be inclusive”

Now, I wonder … “how we can be better / nicer to others”

Today, I heard / saw … “a very accomplished special needs public speaker, Giselle”

This made me think … “how she lives life”

Now, I wonder … “if she was appreciated back in school”

Today, I heard / saw … “A person that persevered through their problem”

This made me think … “That I can do anything even if there is a problem”

Now, I wonder … “How I can help others persevere around their problems”

Today, I heard / saw … “I don’t remember”

This made me think … “we can all be here for each other “

Now, I wonder … “how life is like for her”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone working extra hard in life”

This made me think … “Do other people feel this way”

Now, I wonder … “What life is like for them”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle say she needs help getting dressed”

This made me think … “is it very difficult to be disabled”

Now, I wonder … “how hard are other things when you are disabled”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard she 26. I saw the device she communicate”

This made me think … “everybody is the same.”

Now, I wonder … “now, I wonder is she likes to help cook with her mom”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I heard that she going through a lot but she graduate”

This made me think … “that we should be grateful if we have a healthy body”

Now, I wonder … “How it feel to be her”

Today, I heard / saw … “about how people with cerebral palsy live their life.”

This made me think … “about how different people live their life.”

Now, I wonder … “how they do regular everyday things.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A motivational public speaker.”

This made me think … “To stay positive”

Now, I wonder … “How I can motivate myself.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That even when things are hard you can always do it.”

This made me think … “on how I can motivate me and people around me.”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder of more ways to be better everyday.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A girl struggling through life but still pushing through and motivating”

This made me think … “if I could make a change by motivating others”

Now, I wonder … “who else is going through something similar and how I can help”

Today, I heard / saw … “An inspirational disabled talker.”

This made me think … “How complicated it was.”

Now, I wonder … “how much times she did physiotherapy.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A story of a person in their school and what inspired them throughout her life”

This made me think … “that almost anybody can do anything.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if I can be some what confident like her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That no matter your physical ability you can still achieve”

This made me think … “this made me think about the tortoise and the hare. Don’t let people define you by your looks or physical appearance.”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder how I can be disciplined”

Today, I heard / saw … “An inspirational strong woman”

This made me think … “How hard it might have been”

Now, I wonder … “How life at school was for her”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard her favourite food and I saw how you were on the … as a kid.”

This made me think … “That you’re a hard worker You are a good public speaker”

Now, I wonder … “If I could be good at being a speaker”

It was a pleasure and an honour to inspire the wonderful students at St. Maria Goretti Catholic School.

I met friendly teachers and kind students, who were sweet and most encouraging. Amongst them, Ms. McCarthy, Ms. LaFontaine, Ms. Oliveira. There was one truly kind teacher, who also helped to take pictures. It was truly a joyful, blessed morning in everyway. I am wholeheartedly thankful to Mr. Kenny for inviting me to his beautiful school. It was a grand morning at St. Maria Goretti Catholic Elementary School.