Blessed Morning Speaking to All Students at St. Benedict Elementary School for Catholic Education Week

The sun was shining. It was a beautiful morning to drive to St. Benedict Catholic Elementary School in Orangeville. When my team and I arrived, we were warmly greeted by Mr. Troiani, Principal, and Ms. Nicoletta, Vice-Principal. Mr. Troiani escorted us to the elevator, where my team, and I took it one floor down to the gymnasium.

Ms. Nicoletta and Mr. Troiani facilitated the whole set up in the gymnasium. It was seamless! The Youth Faith Ambassadors designated to do the Liturgy came down first. Before long, the approximate five hundred students began to gather in the gymnasium starting with the junior kindergarten, in queue to the grade eights.

Once everyone was gathered, Mr. Troiani spoke about the The Liturgy for Catholic Education Week and this year’s theme, We Are Called to Love. And that, following, the liturgy, I would be presenting too.

The students did a blessed, beautiful, prayerful liturgy. Shortly thereafter, I commenced my Motivational Public Speaking Presentation on The Relationship with Self and the Virtue of Love to a kind and attentive audience. A Question period ensued. Ms. Nicoletta kindly facilitated it. She held the wireless microphone, while students raised their hands to ask me questions. When Ms. Nicoletta approached them, the student stood up, stated their name, and asked me a question. I loved it! Great questions were asked by students.

With Mr. Troiani and Ms. Nicoletta’s blessing, we took some wonderful group pictures of this amazing group of students and staff.

Once students returned to their classrooms, they completed Exit Tickets. The younger students, Junior Kindergarten to Grade Two, reflected as a class and completed a single Exit Sheet, whereas the Grade Three to Eight students completed individual Exit Tickets. Below are excerpts from some of these:

Today, I heard / saw … “A very nice person and speech.”

This made me think … “How hard she work for everything.”

Now, I wonder … “What more does she go through?”

Today, I heard / saw … “A girl who shows people that she can enjoy life.”

This made me think … “That I can do anything.”

Now, I wonder … “How she has lived.”

Today, I heard / saw … “The advantage of computers”

This made me think … “I am lucky & should love me.”

Now, I wonder … “What school / university would she attend.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A public speaker that spoke about her disability and what love is”

This made me think … “about all the struggles in her life yet how well she’s doing”

Now, I wonder … “are there any solutions for her illness / disability.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard her machine help her talk.”

This made me think … “This made me think of what her life could have been.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how many other schools she has been to.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a girl who growed up challenged to do stuff”

This made me think … “Was she ever treated bad”

Now, I wonder … “Will she ever walk”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw her …”

This made me think … “How I can change”

Now, I wonder … “What school did Giselle go to”

Today, I heard / saw … “a public speaker”

This made me think … “can other people become a public speaker”

Now, I wonder … “is it hard to live in a wheelchair”

Today, I heard / saw … “So much Positive words and affirmations.”

This made me think … “about kindness.”

Now, I wonder … “If she can understand us.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle with a computer”

This made me think … “Will she ever talk”

Now, I wonder … “will she ever walk”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard and saw that you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it.”

This made me think … “How does someone have so much faith in themselves?”

Now, I wonder … “How would it feel in your shoes.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A motivational speech”

This made me think … “That everyone’s different”

Now, I wonder … “Is it hard for her? Is she struggling mentally?”

Today, I heard / saw … “She love faith and love.”

This made me think … “I don’t know”

Now, I wonder … “I don’t know”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “That even though you might look different does not mean you are different”

Now, I wonder … “What her next step will be.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw that she was using a voice monitor to speak to us.”

This made me think … “How does she communicate to other people.”

Now, I wonder … “does Giselle’s disability stop her from growing?”

Today, I heard / saw … “the challenges that Giselle goes through”

This made me think … “how does disability really challenge your life.”

Now, I wonder … “What other stuff will Giselle do in her life?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle talk about love and respect and how she grew up.”

This made me think … “that on the inside she is pretty smart.”

Now, I wonder … “If she will ever be able to work.”

Today, I heard / saw … “how hard disabled peoples lives are”

This made me think … “how lucky I am”

Now, I wonder … “how many people have disabilities like that”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle Gaylie talk about her life”

This made me think … “how different our lives are compared to someone with a disability”

Now, I wonder … “how long it took her to get used to speaking with the computer.”

Today, I heard / saw … “How confident someone is”

This made me think … “that people can do anything if they work for it.”

Now, I wonder … “if people will learn something from Giselle”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I saw that you should love yourself no matter what”

This made me think … “It made me think how much you can do with a disability.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how she gets dressed and takes showers.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about her life”

This made me think … “about how difficult life is for some people”

Now, I wonder … “how many people have a disability.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talking about her disability and help people understand more about people and disabilities.”

This made me think … “That I should not take everyday life activities for granted.’

Now, I wonder … “If I had a different life how would it change me and everyday activities.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie talking about self and the virtue love.”

This made me think … “How smart people are no matter how they look, act, or who they are.”

Now, I wonder … “If people will learn from Giselle”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that it is what on the inside that matters”

Now, I wonder … “That even though someone is different they are special”

Now, I wonder … “That I should have been better”

Today, I heard / saw … “A life changing story”

This made me think … “that there are more people like this”

Now, I wonder … “What would life be if she didn’t have cerebral palsy”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle was explaining her life”

This made me think … “that Giselle is really kind”

Now, I wonder … “if she could talk”

Today, I heard / saw … “a Professional Speaker”

This made me think … “how she does things”

Now, I wonder … “how her life is.”

Today, I heard / saw … “that she was so brave”

This made me think … “nothing is impossible”

Now, I wonder … “if people make fun of her”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s struggles and her ups.”

This made me think … “What does she feel like in school.”

Now, I wonder … “did she get bullied because she is disabled? How did she pass school?”

Today, I heard / saw … “it does look difficult to walk”

Now, I wonder … “did you ever get bullied in school”

Today, I heard / saw … “She was not afraid to speak”

This made me think … “Does she play in the …”

Now, I wonder … “Do you get made fun of.”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I heard the story of Giselle”

This made me think … “of what it would be like to have her in my class”

Now, I wonder … “What it would be like to be disabled”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “if she got bullied”

Now, I wonder … “What it feels like”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that you should love yourself”

This made me think … “this made me think about that don’t let people bring you down.”

Now, I wonder … “Why people laugh at her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard a Relationship with Love God and others. I saw a girl that was normal like all of us.”

This made me think … “This made me think how I can make a difference by showing love and respect and be your self.”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder if … difference can show love respect and be yourself”

Today, I heard / saw … “A girl named Giselle.”

This made me think … “What it is like not talking”

Now, I wonder … “How she feels everyday.”

Today, I heard / saw … “What people say about you doesn’t matter”

This made me think … “that Giselle was really strong”

Now, I wonder … “Do those comments still happen”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard stuff about kindness and being unique”

This made me think … “this made me think that you shouldn’t let people bring you down”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder why people laugh at her”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “Giselle is cool … “

Now, I wonder … “…”

Today, I heard / saw … “some sad things”

This made me think … “I am special”

Now, I wonder … “why do people get down syndrome”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that she was 26 years old I saw her braced leg”

This made me think … “this made me think happy”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how many family members she has”

Today, I heard / saw … “about her struggles and disabilities”

This made me think … “What would happen if I was her?”

Now, I wonder … “How is she feeling?”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I saw a disabled girl she told an incredible story about her”

This made me think … “that you should Never make fun of people because you don’t know what they’re going through”

Now, I wonder … “how old she is”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that love is very important and I saw that she was in a wheelchair”

This made me think … “Do people bully her”

Now, I wonder … “If she can stand without help.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a girl who was different but in her own way. I heard her say some sad but happy things.”

This made me think … “This made me think she must have had a hard life but she made it work.”

Now, I wonder … ” I wonder what it was like for her growing up. It makes me wonder how she did it all. Thank You!”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that she say stuff about kindness and I saw love.”

This made me think … “of how would I do it.”

Now, I wonder … “If I could of even did it.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw and heard you are a star.”

This made me think … “That no matter what if you fall down you get up.”

Now, I wonder … “If we make mistakes God will forgive us.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard sad stories. I saw people.”

This made me think … “this made me think how lucky I am to have a life like this.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how hard it is to control your body”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw my friends”

This made me think … “about my grandma”

Now, I wonder … “Why people are different.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw myself being better”

This made me think … “About myself.”

Now, I wonder … “If I am enough.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard love is very important.”

This made me think … “I am special.”

Now, I wonder … “when did she start her career?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Reasons to love myself”

This made me think … “about how hard it could be to grow up.”

Now, I wonder … “what to put here”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard her story …”

This made me think … “that not to think bad about mean … others”

Now, I wonder … “how was Giselle feeling”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard and saw Giselle.”

This made me think … “This made me think that we should all be kind together.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if the world will be kind and treat each other with respect.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard it’s ok to make mistakes”

This made me think … “That you are always appreciated”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if it was hard for Giselle, not being able to do what the rest of the students can do.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about love and self.”

This made me think … “of how I treat myself.”

Now, I wonder … “If I am treating myself good and right.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about the tough times she had with her disability”

This made me think … “With her disability what couldn’t she experience in her life time.”

Now, I wonder … “Will she be able to walk on her own.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That everyone is different.”

This made me think … “How does she do it.”

Now, I wonder … “Why did she become a public speaker.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a cool talking thing that says out your your thoughts.”

This made me think … “That everyone is different in their own ways.”

Now, I wonder … “that family can help each other in so many ways.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a motivational speech about self love.”

This made me think … “About the challenges people with disabilities face.”

Now, I wonder … “How I can help students in my school overcome disabilities.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that you can do anything no matter what.”

This made me think … “do you see people different”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how life is different.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard Giselle give a really good speech about love.”

This made me think … “that some people go through a lot of challenges and some people don’t.”

Now, I wonder … “how many people face challenges everyday.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie talk about how she was able to overcome cerebral palsy, love and self.”

This made me think … “How many people are just as unique as her?”

This made me think … “How many symptoms like this exist and how many people have these symptoms.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle giving us a speech.”

This made me think … “how it was like for her growing up.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder what school she went to”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about how God loves you.”

This made me think … “what if a person destroyed the earth would he be loved?”

Now, I wonder … “what challenges I would go through?”

Today, I heard / saw … “an inspirational speech about love.”

This made me think … “about what family can do for each other.”

Now, I wonder … “What can family do for each other”

Today, I heard / saw … “A disabled woman who has faced a lot of challenges”

This made me think … “That you should never give up”

Now, I wonder … “how she got through school when she had a lot of challenges.”

Today, I heard / saw … “how determined Giselle was”

This made me think … “about how lucky I am”

Now, I wonder … “if this happened how could I cope”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard she talk about love and kindness”

This made me think … “it made me think about how she gets a job”

Today, I heard / saw … “lots and lots of people. I could hear that a computer was replacing someone’s voice.”

This made me think … “there are more ways of speaking than I previously thought!”

Now, I wonder … “What am I taking for granted at this very moment?”

Today, I heard / saw … “a girl who I think was autistic or who has down syndrome. She also believed in love.”

This made me think … “how it was for her when she was little. Did she get bullied?”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how does what ever she’s thinking go into the computer”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that she has a twin”

This made me think … “This made me think that everyone is different”

Now, I wonder … “How does the computer know what to say.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard about Giselle’s journey through her life and all she’s accomplished and saw how she lives on a daily basis and all she needs to function everyday.”

This made me think … “This made me think that even though Giselle faces trouble through her life she still does all the things we can do so there should be nothing stopping us.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder what Giselle thinks about her life and what she wants to accomplish in the future.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talking about how she’s just a normal girl just like everyone else and she can do anything.”

This made me think … “That not everyone is the same. People are different and Today’s assembly shows that anyone can do anything.”

Now, I wonder … “Why people make fun of her and laugh at her when she’s just a normal kid”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a girl in a wheelchair walk and I heard God made people as he wanted.”

This made me think … “love, people how God wants you.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how the computer knows what she is thinking.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A girl who strongly believes in love.”

This made me think … “more about love and how important it is to love.”

Now, I wonder … “if love is the thing that encourages her everyday.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a presentation about the virtue of love and kindness.”

This made me think … “This made me think, What if I was in Giselle’s shoes? How would I feel?”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how was life for Giselle? Did she get bullied, or was she respected?”

Today, I heard / saw … “how to love ourselves and how she could stand cause we take it for granted.”

This made me think … “how we take what we have for granted, clothes, toys, phones, ect.”

Now, I wonder … “how long it took Giselle to love herself”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a girl that no matter what or how she is can still do this that we can”

This made me think … “this made me think of wheelchair basketball because she still did what she wanted to do in her wheelchair”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how the computer knows what she wants to say.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard Giselle’s amazing story, and I saw her stand and walk on her own”

This made me think … “This made me think how anything is possible”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if she is still in touch with her teachers.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a big presentation.”

This made me think … “What if my baby cousin has to go to the hospital”

Now, I wonder … “if she graduated college”

Today, I heard / saw … “in the gym I saw a girl doing a presentation about love”

This made me think … “To be nice to people because you don’t know what they’re going through”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if people like her will be able to walk again”

Today, I heard / saw … “she loves herself and is loved by her family.”

This made me think … “It must be hard to teach her.”

Now, I wonder … “does she have any friends?”

Today, I heard / saw … “that you are 26 but was thinking that you are 14”

This made me think … “you are a good person”

Now, I wonder … “how is your life”

Today, I heard / saw … “that you have to believe in yourself”

This made me think … “of all the people that don’t believe in themselves”

Now, I wonder … “how much people believe in themselves”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that she has a twin brother.”

This made me think … “That everyone’s unique.”

Now, I wonder … “Now, I wonder how does she see the world.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I think she is a unique girl ‘Giselle was trying to teach us that Every challenge you face, you get stronger, the more you love, the less you hate’”

This made me think … “You are unique the way you are Doesn’t matter who you are, you are just perfect”

Now, I wonder … “When is your birthday? What is your culture, background? I was very impressed watching her stand by herself ‘Treat other people the way you want to be treated’”

Today, I heard / saw … “Her age -Her birthday -What countries she wants to go to -saw her getting baptized I was surprised she didn’t cry.”

This made me think … “About kindness and love”

Now, I wonder … “How is your day going?”

Today, I heard / saw … “-Giselle was able to walk and stand on her own – I saw that she was talking with help from a device – We heard about her life – We got to see her growing up.”

This made me think … “- About being kind. – To not let myself down.”

Now, I wonder … “- I wonder how many friends she has – I wonder how many schools she has spoken at. – I wonder what her favourite colour is”

Today, I heard / saw … “an AI voice”

This made me think … “that everyone should be included”

Now, I wonder … “how she walks / drives with her machine”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw someone that needs help.”

This made me think … “I felt bad for her”

Now, I wonder … “how did she learn to walk”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I saw somebody who needed more help”

This made me think … “I am greatful”

Now, I wonder … “how she goes to school”

Today, I heard / saw … “happiness”

This made me think … “how hard was her life”

Now, I wonder … “how long it took her to walk”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle walk and talk with a computer”

This made me think … “How she was able to walk at 26”

Now, I wonder … “What her real voice sounds like”

Today, I heard / saw … “You are kind”

This made me think … “Can you talk”

Now, I wonder … “Can you drive”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw her stand.”

This made me think … “She made me think that she’s super funny.”

Now, I wonder … “What’s her favourite subject.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw Giselle stand”

This made me think … “When people put their mind to it, they can do anything”

Now, I wonder … “Now, I wonder how does Giselle ask for stuff.”

Today, I heard / saw … “her stand”

This made me think … “How was her grade How does she brush her teeth”

Now, I wonder … “How did she walk”

Today, I heard / saw … “Her mom helping her.”

This made me think … “How does she do things without help.”

Now, I wonder … “how does it feel to be a bit disabled.”

Today, I heard / saw … “that we are all different”

This made me think … “that computers are very helpful”

Now, I wonder … “how does she ask question”

Today, I heard / saw … “be kind to yourself”

This made me think … “we said be kind”

Now, I wonder … “can she talk”

Today, I heard / saw … “how much she could walk”

This made me think … “How much can she control.”

Now, I wonder … “How does she talk”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw her legs I heard her talk”

This made me think … “how born with this”

Now, I wonder … “how does she talk”

Today, I heard / saw … “Even though things can be hard to do, if you keep trying & practicing you can achieve it.”

This made me think … “Technology is very good now & has improved as it can turn what Giselle was thinking into sentences.”

Now, I wonder … “How hard was it for Giselle to live life to the fullest.”

This made me think … “about how even though someone is different everyone is the same.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Her life story, how she grew up, and what she did.”

This made me think … “How everyone is different.”

Now, I wonder … “How the computer works, is there lines?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle present”

This made me think … “that there are a lot of good people out there.”

Now, I wonder … “How much money does all the equipment cost?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talking about her disability and how she overcame it.”

This made me think … “It made me think about how I treat people and that everyone is equal.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how Giselle learned to walk.”

Today, I heard / saw … “an inspirational woman with cerebral palsy demonstrate what struggles she faces and how she overcomes them”

This made me think … “how she was able to push past discriminatory statements”

Now, I wonder … “What her favourite activity to do is”

Today, I heard / saw … “-Someone with a life altering condition”

This made me think … “We take a lot of things for granted”

Now, I wonder … “how life would be if I had the same condition”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone with a condition.”

This made me think … “How hard it must be”

Now, I wonder … “is this curable? “

Today, I heard / saw … ” Giselle’s presentation about her life.”

This made me think … “about how difficult it could’ve been for her”

Now, I wonder … “how her talking device works”

Today, I heard / saw … “a confident person”

This made me think … “We are all important”

Now, I wonder … “Why does God do this”

Today, I heard / saw … “a presentation about Giselle’s life”

This made me think … “how different her life is”

Now, I wonder … “how her talking device works”

Today, I heard / saw … “A lesson on how to love ourselves.”

This made me think … “How can we learn to love?”

Now, I wonder … “How many siblings does she have?”

Today, I heard / saw … “a lady with a disability sharing her story”

This made me think … “everyone is unique”

Now, I wonder … “how many people have her condition”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “How hard her life may be”

Now, I wonder … “Why that happen to her”

Today, I heard / saw … “People trying to make a difference in the world by sharing their experiences!”

This made me think … “No matter how different you are, we all share the virtue of love”

Now, I wonder … “Who will follow the virtue of love and better themselves from this presentation.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That when you show someone love, it will bring the best out of someone.”

This made me think … “How this changes a person’s day with just one action.”

Now, I wonder … “The different ways that you can show this.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “That God’s love will always motivate us, and empower us on our journey through life.”

Now, I wonder … “What kind of accommodations were made in the inclusive classes?”

Today, I heard / saw … “That it’s possible to do anything”

This made me think … “That you can do anything.”

Now, I wonder … “If people treated her equally?”

Today, I heard / saw … “how far she has come”

This made me think … “how loving everyone is”

Now, I wonder … “What she will do farther in life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “People holding the door for others, I heard kind words said to each other.”

This made me think … “How hard it must have been for Giselle Gaylie”

Now, I wonder … “did Giselle Gaylie ever play wheelchair basketball?”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I heard about living life from other’s perspective”

This made me think … “this made me thing about Self love”

Now, I wonder … “I don’t wonder anything else”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about love”

This made me think … “how she overcomes hate”

Now, I wonder … “how her computer works”

Today, I heard / saw … “How hard someone’s life could be.”

This made me think … “Who else is struggling with things lie this.”

Now, I wonder … “What can we do to help.”

Today, I heard / saw … “about the importance and awareness of Self love and appreciation”

This made me think … “of how grateful I am to be in good physical and mental state.”

Now, I wonder … “how much this presentation will affect my mindset and self growth now and in the future.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie talk about her life.”

This made me think … “how loving everyone is”

Now, I wonder … “how her computer works”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “Why can’t she go to college”

Now, I wonder … “What her hobbies are”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard Giselle talk about school and how hard it was. I saw a thing on her leg.”

This made me think … “about how lucky I am.”

Now, I wonder … “how long she will live.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle’s perspective of life.”

This made me think … “This made me think about life differently and saw her struggles”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder if she can drive.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle in person today talking about her life story and how to love yourself and others.”

This made me think … “It made me think about how grateful me and others who can walk and the ability to live life.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how you are able to persevere through everything.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a lot of things about you and the importance of self love.”

This made me think … “of the many people who face the same problem as you.”

Now, I wonder … “if you were born with a different chance at life would you take it”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “do many people face this problem”

Now, I wonder … “What are her hobbies”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a bunch of technology”

This made me think … “what if she went to university”

Now, I wonder … “What if she was born without disabilities”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a lot about her life and about love. I saw a lot of technology.”

This made me think … “If anything is possible”

Now, I wonder … “how long it took her to walk and stand”

Today, I heard / saw … “The challenges that Giselle overcame”

This made me think … “How hard it must’ve been”

Now, I wonder … “How did she become so accepting of herself and love herself because I struggle so much to love myself.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard it was hard for her growing up”

Now, I wonder … “how she feels everyday of her life”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw her smile a lot”

This made me think … “This made me think how happy she was to be here”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder how she felt everyday of her life”

Today, I heard / saw … “love”

This made me think … “How good school is”

Now, I wonder … “How her school was”

Today, I heard / saw … “a girl with rough childhood”

This made me think … “What did people do to her.”

Now, I wonder … “if other people in her school community had the same problems.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a lot of use of technology.”

This made me think … “how did she talk back then if there was no good AI back then”

Now, I wonder … “What was life growing up.”

Today, I heard / saw … “how she grew up / lived”

This made me think … “what our world would be like if they knew all about love”

Now, I wonder … “how her device works”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a very good presentation about love”

This made me think … “This made me think about how hard it must have been to face these challenges”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if it was easy to overcome these”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a girl who had challenges through her life”

This made me think … “about how she got herself to be so confident”

Now, I wonder … “How people treated her”

Today, I heard / saw … “The message I heard was to love others even if they are different.”

This made me think … “This made me think to treat others better with love.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how I can treat others better with love.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a speech”

This made me think … “how is she communicating”

Now, I wonder … “how the device works”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a lot of tech”

This made me think … “How was her childhood”

Now, I wonder … “how many speaking will she do”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw her smiling”

This made me think … “This made me think how happy she must of felt been when everyone was clapping for her”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how she felt everyday going to school.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Love and acceptance.”

This made me think … “She is an amazing person for going through these challenges.”

Now, I wonder … “Can everyone be as happy as her?”

Today, I heard / saw … “A brave and loving person’s hardships in life.”

This made me think … “How hard it must have been for her in her life.”

Now, I wonder … “How did she deal with people who put her down”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw how technology advanced.”

This made me think … “about life”

Now, I wonder … “how good my life is”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I saw a kind hearted person.”

This made me think … “This made me think that anything is possible.”

Now, I wonder … “now I wonder if other people has this confidence.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a tv talk”

This made me think … “How it will be if she goes back to school”

Now, I wonder … “if she can talk every”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard how much pain she went through. I saw her smiling the whole time.”

This made me think … “This made me think what my life would be like in her shoes”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder how the computer works?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard wise and valuable words and I saw a capable woman.”

This made me think … “Wow, this is so inspiring”

Now, I wonder … “how are other people being affected”

I’m glad to have inspired them. They were a wonderfully attentive audience.

Once students started to leave the gymnasium, the Grade Two/Three teacher approached me to share how much her students enjoyed my presentation. I was so pleased to hear it. I was also approached by Mr. Matthew, a Social Worker, who enjoyed my presentation, and shared that he had also attended both Christ the King Elementary and Loyola Secondary as a student too, as I did. It was wonderful to meet him.

While still in the gym, some friendly students came in and asked to take a picture with me. I was truly flattered. Another student approached me, who wanted a hug. I loved it.

While walking in the hallway, I saw some friendly teachers, who complimented my presentation. The grade eight teacher said, she would have loved to teach me. I was flattered. I came across many students too, who had smiles, said, ‘Hello’, gave me props … an overall very friendly and inviting community of students.

My team and I took the elevator up. Once on the main floor, I saw a few students and a couple of teachers. They were cheerful, kind, and friendly.

Once at the office, we returned the elevator key, and we received many of the completed Exit Tickets back too. Ms. Nicoletta shared how she had a former student, who used a similiar device to mine to speak. I’m so glad there are other students accessing augmentative communication too.

Before leaving, Ms. Nicoletta and Mr. Troiani wholeheartedley thanked me for coming to their school. I am always overjoyed to be a Guest Speaker, and I truly feel so blessed to have been invited to such a wonderful school community. Indeed, it was a blessed morning speaking to all students at St. Benedict Elementary School for Catholic Education Week.

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