Marvellous Morning as a Guest Speaker at St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School
It was a marvelous morning, as a Guest Speaker, at St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School in Brampton. It was an honour to speak to this wonderful school community of approximately five hundred students.
Mr. Furtado, the Principal, and Ms. Makotore, Vice-Principal, made me feel most welcomed.
In the gymnasium, the audio-visual equipment was already set up. With the kind helpful assistance from Mr. Thrasher, a grade eight teacher, the audio-visual equipment was slightly adjusted and set for my public speaking presentation.
The students arrived in the gymnasium in an orderly fashion. I was happy to joyfully welcome them as they walked in and sat on the gym floor. Six fantastic grade eight students, namely Ivana, Pam, Jade, Natasha, Jalen and Mckingsley helped to distribute the Exit Tickets and pens to students from grade three to eight at the entrance of the gymnasium doors. While students filled the gymnasium, Mr. Malone, an itinerant teacher for the Hearing Impaired, whom I had the pleasure to meet while a student came over to say hello.
After a thoughtful introduction by Mr. Furtado, I commenced my public speaking presentation to an attentive audience of staff and students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade Eight.
Following my presentation, Mr. Thrasher kindly indulged me by wearing my FM System and holding the wireless microphone. As students raised their hands, Mr. Thrasher approached them, the student stood up and asked me their question for all to hear. I was happy to answer each one.
At the end, Ms. Makotore made some beautiful final comments of inspiration and appreciation for my visit.
As the Junior Kindergarten to Grade Two teachers left the gymnasium, they happily took an Exit Sheet (one per class) to allow them the opportunity to reflect on my presentation with their students. The grade three to eight teachers helpfully and graciously collected the Exit Tickets from their students before leaving the gymnasium and provided them to me. Below are excerpts from some of these Exit Tickets:
Today I heard/saw… “that we are all the same no matter what. And sometimes we go through challenges.”
This made me think… “People have these tiny problems when some have bigger problems/challenges and that no one is perfect, and we must accept that.”
Now, I wonder… “Why we don’t embrace ourselves and sometimes appreciate ourselves. And we should be who we are and not let anyone take advantage of us and make fun of us for being us.”
Today I heard/saw… “That you should love”
This made me think… “That nothing stops you”
Now, I wonder… “If I can do the same”
Today I heard/saw… “that we should accept ourselves and the people around us. We should appreciate everything we have.”
This made me think… “that I should be grateful for my friends and family.”
Now, I wonder… “how we can help each other and create a world in which we all feel good about ourselves.”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle Gaylie”
This made me think… “If I think I can do it I should not give up on anything”
Now, I wonder… “Why do people give up instead of keep on going.”
Today I heard/saw… “that we need everyone’s help”
This made me think… “that every friend has value”
Now, I wonder… “how to face my challenges in the future. I love St. Aidan”
Today I heard/saw… “-I saw Giselle today -She learned more and more as she grew up”
This made me think… “Do I have the strength as her”
Now, I wonder… “If I can have the same strength as her”
Today I heard/saw… “-the quality in education helps shape our minds -don’t be ashamed with who you are. God gave everyone a gift so be yourself.”
This made me think… “Giselle went through many life challenges and she haven’t doubted God a lot because how she is created. This made me think … its amazing how she is a public speaker even with her condition.”
Now, I wonder… “-how did she react when people said negative things about to her. -how did her family react to her condition”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard her life story and how she got herself confidence and to love herself”
This made me think… “Everyone is different and special, and to love yourself.”
Now, I wonder… “If I can have the same confidence she does”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle talk about her life challenges and how she overcame them.”
This made me think… “about my own life challenges and self reflection.”
Now, I wonder… “How can I overcome my life challenges and be a good person.”
Today I heard/saw… “I learned about her life struggles and how she deals with it.”
This made me think… “no matter what challenges you face you are also a human and always think positive”
Now, I wonder… “how many struggles she went through and how she dealt with those struggles.”
Today I heard/saw… “She learned a lot about herself as she grew up. I saw that she expressed it through a screen. All her teachers made her feel like a valuable student … She had her family to support her. She believes in herself. She always looks at the positive side. She feels like she can do anything. She uses a computer system to talk. She is 22 years old. She can hear you from far away because of her computer system. She has been a professional speaker for over a year. She likes visiting friends and exercising.”
This made me think… “if we face a challenge, think of all the good things that come out of it.”
Now, I wonder… “how can she go through all these challenges and can still come up here and tell us about it. (which means she is very strong and brave) (it would be nice to see you again!)”
Today I heard/saw… “a speech and that challenges are obstacles and gifts”
This made me think… “that we should deal with challenges”
Now, I wonder… “how it would feel to be a Public Speaker.”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard a lot of nice things.”
This made me think… “It made me think of love!”
Now, I wonder… “Will she be my friend?”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard a Public Speaker.”
This made me think… “It made me think how can I help people.”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder how I can be my best self.”
Today I heard/saw… “how love works -we should love ourselves -God made all of us differently.”
This made me think… “We should love ourselves and others and everyone has a heart”
Now, I wonder… “how I will love everyone and myself like ‘does”
Today I heard/saw… “if someone says something nice to you, it makes you know that person is nice. I learnt that people with a disability can make a difference.”
This made me think… “How can I make a change so that disabled people can be accepted?”
Now, I wonder… “Does making a difference change people’s thought?”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle’s life and love”
This made me think… “Giselle is a great person.”
Now, I wonder… “How can I live in love”
Today I heard/saw… “That even though some people may not walk or speak properly, they are the same as us.”
This made me think… “That we are all God’s children.”
Now, I wonder… “What could I do to make a difference in the world”
Today I heard/saw… “a girl named Giselle Gaylie who shared her life story with us and how she has been doing it”
This made me think… “What I am and the impact I make in the world”
Now, I wonder… “Who I can be in the world and how I can boost my self-esteem. Keep calm and SMILE 😊”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard a wonderful speech by Giselle.”
This made me think… “This made me think you should never judge someone by their look.”
Now, I wonder… “Now I wonder if we can all be kind to one another so this world can be a better place.”
Today I heard/saw… “that we are all different. And God does not make mistakes.”
This made me think… “We should be nice to everyone. Love yourself for who you are. Don’t judge a book by the cover. You can’t fit in if you were born to stand out.”
Today I heard/saw… “I have heard / saw that no matter how the world thinks of you, someone will always be with you.”
This made me think… “This made me think that I need to respect others.”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder if I can be a good person to others.”
Today I heard/saw… “a presentation about loving yourself and having a good relationship with self.”
This made me think… “How I can improve relationship with self.”
Now, I wonder… “If I have a good or bad relationship with self currently.”
Today I heard/saw… “a passionate person who can change the world in a positive way.”
This made me think… “of Steve Hawkins. He came a long way and I believe she can too”
Today I heard/saw… “a woman named Giselle who had a disability and faced many challenges”
This made me think… “that no matter what you can overcome anything.”
Now, I wonder… “How I can make a difference in other people’s lives”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard/saw a presentation about a female named Giselle.”
This made me think… “This made me think about how you can get to know yourself”
Now, I wonder… “How to not judge somebody because I don’t know what they are going through”
Today I heard/saw… “a woman with problems with her brain. But still, she was very successful with her life”
This made me think… “How she was able to be a public speaker”
Now, I wonder… “If anything is possible even when life throws the hardest challenges at you”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard about how I could overcome challenges in my life”
This made me think… “This made me think what I can do to overcome challenges”
Now, I wonder… “If anything is possible even if life is hard.”
Today I heard/saw… “to block out negative comments.”
This made me think… “to never get upset when somebody gives me a negative comment”
Now, I wonder… “to never give up”
Today I heard/saw… “What makes each of us a special individual.”
This made me think… “What makes me different.”
Now, I wonder… “How can I make a difference.”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle Gaylie / Guest Speaker”
This made me think… “Think I am important”
Now, I wonder… “How I can make myself better”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I saw Giselle a Public Speaker”
This made me think… “Felt strong and have confidence in myself because I have insecurities too.”
Now, I wonder… “If we can all avoid saying the negative comments. I love you”
Today I heard/saw… “A lady named Giselle she talked about her life”
This made me think… “To not be rude”
Now, I wonder… “How she was able to fight through challenges”
Today I heard/saw… “a good presentation”
This made me think… “How confident she is.”
Now, I wonder… “How blessed we are to have everything.”
Today I heard/saw… “Someone that’s been through a lot”
This made me think… “With each reflection you learn more about yourself”
Now, I wonder… “What other people are going through”
Today I heard/saw… “To always love myself. Also, we are special in different ways.”
This made me think… “Does she wish to walk, and talk like us?”
Now, I wonder… “How people like her, (strong people) stay positive after hearing a very rude comment.”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard Giselle say that God always loves us and a lot of nice stuff.”
This made me think… “It made me think that I should be a better person.”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder that if Giselle did not complete one of her challenges”
Today I heard/saw… “that we are all cool and good that we don’t need to change ourselves”
This made me think… “What can I be in the future that can inspire someone”
Now, I wonder… “If I will do great to the future.”
Today I heard/saw… “We need to stay connected with our self”
This made me think… “That we need to love our self”
Now, I wonder… “How I can try to ignore what people say”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard an extremely inspirational person.”
This made me think… “She made me think that I can be a better person”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder how much better I could do.”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle Gaylie and how she faced her fears in life”
This made me think… “I should think positive about myself.”
Now, I wonder… “to face my fears in life.”
Today I heard/saw… “More about love, and God’s love for us.”
This made me think… “Why are some people rude, and some are really nice.”
Now, I wonder… “If some people can change with God’s love.”
Today I heard/saw… “We should love ourselves like our loved ones love us”
This made me think… “I need to have more self love”
Now, I wonder… “Are there other ways to have self love other than what Giselle listed”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard that we should love ourselves no matter what.”
This made me think… “about when people bully you just ignore it and don’t let them bother you”
Now, I wonder… “how she fought for everything. And how I can try to ignore what people say about me”
Today I heard/saw… “a beautiful presentation”
This made me think… “if she can achieve her dreams so can I”
Now, I wonder… “does she talk to larger crowds”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle talk about love and self expression”
This made me think… “How do I find love for myself”
Now, I wonder… “Where do I start”
Today I heard/saw… “that if I get negative comments, I shouldn’t react to them.”
This made me think… “that I need to exercise the way I react when I get negative comments.”
Now, I wonder… “Why I even react to them.”
Today I heard/saw… “A speech about self.”
This made me think… “about how to treat myself”
Now, I wonder… “How can I make a difference”
Today I heard/saw… “What I heard today is to be strong, helpful and being happy all the time”
This made me think… “I can ignore negative things.”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder how I’m going to be strong and helpful.”
Today I heard/saw… “How to have a positive attitude and not let the negative affect you.”
This made me think… “about how I should not feel bad about myself”
Now, I wonder… “how her challenges affect me”
Today I heard/saw… “that you can do anything even if you think it’s impossible.”
This made me think… “if you dream of doing something then it’s possible.”
Now, I wonder… “that you can do anything if you try”
Today I heard/saw… “about a girl that isn’t able to control parts of her body. Her name is Giselle”
This made me think… “that I should believe in myself and not care about what others think”
Now, I wonder… “if positivity is what creates a happy future.”
Today I heard/saw… “Giselle talk about love and inclusivity”
This made me think… “You can do anything you put your mind to”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard about love and respect.”
This made me think… “I should accept the challenges God gives me and overcome obstacles in my journey”
Now, I wonder… “who I am?”
Today I heard/saw… “a very kind and loving public speaker”
This made me think… “Does she have challenges in her life that stop her”
Now, I wonder… “If every public speaker is kind and loving”
Today I heard/saw… “The challenges she had growing up as a kid.”
This made me think… “This made me think if she can go through the hard times maybe I could do the same”
Now, I wonder… “Now I wonder how people think and feel about her, and what she is doing right now as a person.”
Today I heard/saw… “A student talking about some disabilities, love, her life, and that we are all equal.”
This made me think… “what it’s like to be like her and how I will achieve goals in the future”
Now, I wonder… “how she will be in the future and how she’ll overcome these disabilities to be able to talk and walk.”
Today I heard/saw… “a girl named Giselle who is a public speaker that fought through challenges even though she has a disability”
This made me think… “that you should never give up”
Now, I wonder… “how I can make a difference”
Today I heard/saw… “the word of love and respect”
This made me think… “how I can do these things on a daily basis”
Now, I wonder… “how everyone can love one another”
Today I heard/saw… “how positivity can suppress challenges”
This made me think… “about how grateful I am and how positivity makes a difference in life.”
Now, I wonder… “If has a negative attitude how their challenges affected?”
Today I heard/saw… “a challenged public speaker do a wonderful speech”
This made me think… “That God made us differently but loves us equally”
Now, I wonder… “Why God makes people like this even though God loves us all.”
Today I heard/saw… “today I heard Giselle and how she found herself”
This made me think… “this made me think that nobody is perfect / don’t judge a book by its cover”
Now, I wonder… “Now I wonder and know that everything is possible. Live life to the fullest. Found who she is.”
Today I heard/saw… “You shouldn’t let negative thoughts stick”
This made me think… “of when I got told negative things”
Now, I wonder… “If I can ignore negative thoughts”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard that to love yourself because if you love yourself like how God loves you, you will be fulfilled to do things”
This made me think… “What is love?”
Now, I wonder… “how can I be in fulfillment in love and how do I get a sense of self”
Today I heard/saw… “She learned a lot as she grew up”
This made me think… “Whenever something is bad it can turn to a good”
Now, I wonder… “How can I help others”
Today I heard/saw… “A speech on the life of Giselle Gaylie.”
This made me think… “about how we are all created equal.”
Today I heard/saw… “I learned about how she speaks”
This made me think… “that we can do anything”
Now, I wonder… “that I can help people”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard her story and how she got around”
This made me think… “I think about how I can help our country”
Now, I wonder… “I wonder that she can do it so maybe anyone can!!”
Today I heard/saw… “She did a presentation.”
This made me think… “Some kids get help.”
Now, I wonder… “If I can help.”
Today I heard/saw… “everybody is different, and God loves us. God does not make mistakes”
This made me think… “be nice to each other and to care and love yourself.”
Today I heard/saw… “how she said she can’t take insult to heart.”
This made me think… “I take insults to heart.”
Now, I wonder… “What if I don’t?”
Today I heard/saw… “that we are all children of God no matter what we look like or who we are God loves us no matter what”
This made me think… That we can achieve anything we want as long as we put our minds to it. 😊”
Now, I wonder… “Why are some people mean because if you just take a moment to get to know someone and appreciate them and their personality”
Today I heard/saw… “today I heard and saw how she lives her life and that she loves being a public speaker.”
This made me think… “That you can overcome challenges and never think negative”
Today I heard/saw… “A girl who had many difficult times but is still very optimistic”
This made me think… “of how the challenges we face make us better.”
Now, I wonder… “how can I improve myself?”
Today I heard/saw… “I heard that she uses a computer to talk. We learn from mistakes.”
This made me think… “that everyone is different and unique.”
Now, I wonder… “What if I talk with a computer like Giselle is it hard?”
Today I heard/saw… “We all God’s stars and don’t let people judge you.”
This made me think… “Why do people make fun of people”
Now, I wonder… “how do people help the disabled”
Today I heard/saw… “That she made it through school”
This made me think… “She is a very special / happy person.”
Now, I wonder… “If she can be happy forever! 😊”
Today I heard/saw… “Use your gifts God gave you to your advantage”
This made me think… “Why bullies bully people like this.”
Now, I wonder… “how people like that feel.”
Today I heard/saw… “Today I heard everyone is different”
This made me think… “This made me think that being different is ok but in God’s eyes we are the same.”
Now, I wonder… “Now I wonder that challenges are hard for people that need help more”
Today I heard/saw… “her talk about self-love. I saw her never give up.”
This made me think… “this can help people never give up.”
Now, I wonder… “how many people can this help?”
Today I heard/saw… “I saw Giselle Gaylie. I heard that God is always with you.”
This made me think… “that no matter if you have tattoos God still loves you.”
Now, I wonder… “how people with special needs face their challenges so easily.”
I truly feel blessed to have inspired such an awesome audience of students.
I am grateful to Mr. Furtado, the Principal, and Ms. Makotore, the Vice-Principal, for the kind invite and honour of presenting to their students. Special thanks to Ms. Gizzi for organizing this event back in December 2019 and making it possible.
It was indeed a marvellously memorable morning at St. Aidan Catholic Elementary School.