Fantastic Afternoon with the Falcons at Good Shepherd Elementary School

It was a wonderful afternoon at Good Shepherd Catholic Elementary School. When I arrived with my Team, I was greeted by the very kind and helpful, Mr. De Caro, Principal. He escorted us to the gymnasium, where he had a couple of students, Raphael and Aaron helping to set up the projector and sound system for us. They did a fine job, and I appreciated their assistance very much. Other students, Tobi and Marquez, came into the gym to help set up chairs. Once we were all done, Mr. De Caro started calling the students from the public announcement system to go to the gym by grades. Before long, all the students and staff were in the gymnasium.

Before starting my Motivational Public Speaking presentation, Mr. De Caro gave me a kind introduction. Throughout my presentation, I felt joyful and I enjoyed presenting to this vibrant audience of Junior Kindergarten students to Grade eight.

Claire and Christina, two students, facilitated the question period that ensued. There were many questions, and some very kind and generous words of admiration and inspiration for my presentation. It was truly heartfelt.

Once the question period ended, Mr. De Caro thanked me for my presentation and he generously gave me a fabulous light blue falcon t-shirt. With Mr. De Caro’s blessing, pictures were taken. It was an exciting afternoon amongst the students!

Once students started to leave the gymnasium a few teachers approached me, they thanked me for my presentation, and told me they found it inspirational. Pictures were taken too.

Once students returned to their classrooms, they were given Exit Tickets to reflect on my presentation. Here are excerpts from many of these:

Today, I heard / saw … “Strong inspirational woman today “

This made me think … ” I can do anything I put my mind to.”

Now, I wonder … ” How I can be a better person.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone full of courage”

This made me think … “Cerebral palsy isn’t a disability it’s a different ability”

Now, I wonder … “how life is like for a person like her”

Today, I heard / saw … “an extremely brave speaker that was different”

This made me think … “anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it “

Now, I wonder … “What goals do I have for myself”

Today, I heard / saw … “She has a lot of disability”

This made me think … “how do you live everyday”

Now, I wonder … “is there a cure to it”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle being brave. Giselle standing and walking”

This made me think … “Be brave, and never give up!”

Now, I wonder … “(learned) To be more accepting of people and be ourselves!”

Today, I heard / saw … “She knows how to walk, Someone helped her (Family) She is 26 years old and she learning to walk with help”

This made me think … “She needs a communication device to talk. She has more trouble than us fulfilling normal functions.”

Now, I wonder … “Can she use her voice, if she going shopping. Where does she go for shopping. Can she hear? Does she have lots of friends?”

Today, I heard / saw … “We saw someone like … She likes sports. She has a wheelchair.”

This made me think … “that we should be kind everyday. That she is very brave.”

Now, I wonder … “if she was struggling to stand.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone who didn’t let her challenges stop her from doing the things that she wants or likes. Giselle was very inspirational to our class.”

This made me think … “about how we deal with challenges in our lives and the people who help me.”

Now, I wonder … “how I can help people who face challenges in my school and community.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a girl who had some surgeries and needs help to do things.”

This made me think … “to be nice.”

Now, I wonder … “if there are other people like her who were able to do what she does.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about her struggles and the help she gets for them.”

This made me think … “About how hard it must be.”

Now, I wonder … “how great it is that she gets all the help she needs”

Today, I heard / saw … “that many disabled people can do the same things normal people can do like Giselle.”

This made me think … “how it must have effected Giselle’s life”

Now, I wonder … “If Giselle can do anything can I?”

Today, I heard / saw … “A speech about Giselle’s life.”

This made me think … “About Giselle’s challenges.”

Now, I wonder … “If Giselle had a hard time overcoming the challenges.”

Today, I heard / saw … “how Giselle feels around others.”

This made me think … “How Giselle felt during school.”

Now, I wonder … “If Giselle had a good life when she was young.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle talk about her day to day life”

This made me think … “how hard it must be to live life like Giselle”

Now, I wonder … “What can we do to stop it”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a wonderful speech and I learn a lot from Giselle childhood.”

This made me think … “This made me think that Giselle had a lot going on in her life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That challenges are a part of a human life and you should answer positively.”

This made me think … “how we can help people understand that in a life time there’s ups and downs but you can’t just make those downs get ahead of you”

Now, I wonder … “I’m not sure yet but maybe next time”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw what Giselle went through.”

This made me think … “people can do anything they put their mind to”

Now, I wonder … “if Giselle can do it I can do it too”

Today, I heard / saw … “inspiration”

This made me think … “to try harder in life”

Now, I wonder … “to never give up”

Today, I heard / saw … “That having autism can be more challenging than I thought.”

This made me think … “That everyone has something they’re not good at.”

Now, I wonder … “if Giselle & other kids with autism could finally speak when they are over 60.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A nice thing.”

This made me think … “Giselle is trying to face hard things in life.”

Now, I wonder … “Giselle is amazing girl.”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I heard about her challenges”

This made me think … “to treat people better.”

Now, I wonder … “how some people think and what they think”

Today, I heard / saw … “People need to be included and helped.”

This made me think … “Helping people is really important.”

Now, I wonder … “What if no one helped other people?”

Today, I heard / saw … “A beautifully presented autism awareness speech.”

This made me think … “To be kind to everyone no matter how they look and speak”

Now, I wonder … “How I can help out these people anyway I can.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s story”

This made me think … “How would I see my life in Giselle’s place”

Now, I wonder … “and how would I feel right now”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle was … by talking by herself”

Now, I wonder … “When …”

Now, I wonder … “If Giselle will walk again. Giselle you’re the best.”

Today, I heard / saw … “How it was like pre-school.”

This made me think … “All the difficulties in her life”

Now, I wonder … “How does Giselle communicate if she can’t use tech.”

Today, I heard / saw … “about Giselle’s life and thing she have to go through”

This made me think … “that Giselle is special so everybody got to help her”

Now, I wonder … “how will she go through obstacles and problems.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle Gaylie”

This made me think … “why are people not more inclusive”

Now, I wonder … “why is there so much discrimination in the world”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle walk by herself with her dad.”

This made me think … “How does Giselle know how to type.”

Now, I wonder … “Giselle is a smart and kind girl.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A very inspirational speech.”

This made me think … “I should be kind”

Now, I wonder … “to never give up.”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I saw her walk”

This made me think … “that she had a great time learning how to walk”

Now, I wonder … “If she has fun”

Today, I heard / saw … “a brave disabled kid do a speech”

This made me think … “that all people are equal.”

Now, I wonder … “when will bullying stop”

Today, I heard / saw … “A girl that had a disability”

This made me think … “I wonder how hard it is for her.”

Now, I wonder … “If she ever gets bullied or if she gets lots of respect.”

Today, I heard / saw … “When I heard that Giselle can’t stand I felt sad”

This made me think … “all the other kids that are suffering.”

Now, I wonder … “is Giselle going to be ok.”

Today, I heard / saw … “that u needed to have someone near u.”

This made me think … “that u really had a hard time with everything.”

Now, I wonder … “Giselle when were u born? Did life feel so hard?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Today I heard a talk about disabilities.”

This made me think … “This make me think how hard it is.”

Now, I wonder … “Now, I wonder my kids will have a disability.”

Today, I heard / saw … “an amazing speech from Giselle.”

This made me think … “how it’s sad but she’s strong.”

Now, I wonder … “If she can do the same as everyone.”

Today, I heard / saw … “That even with difficulty you can do many things”

This made me think … “that if I could think to do things I can do it.”

Now, I wonder … “If I can really do things even with difficulty”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about disabilities”

This made me think … “does having a disability stop you from doing fun things”

Now, I wonder … “what people with disabilities feel”

Today, I heard / saw … “That everyone can care about us.”

This made me think … “To be nice no matter how they look and how they act. We are all God’s children”

Now, I wonder … “No matter the disabilities.”

Today, I heard / saw … “about Giselle’s life”

This made me think … “how gutsy kids live”

Now, I wonder … “how hard it is to be autistic.”

Today, I heard / saw … “how she faced her challenges”

This made me think … “what about my challenges?”

Now, I wonder … “Can I accomplish what I put my mind to”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talk about her life”

This made me think … “anyone can do anything”

Now, I wonder … “if all people like Giselle are this confident”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw all about her life. I heard how she walks”

This made me think … “everyone is special and different”

Now, I wonder … “whats her favourite food and book to read.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw her walk today”

This made me think … “how is her life”

Now, I wonder … “does she have fun”

Today, I heard / saw … “The life of a disabled person named Giselle”

This made me think … “it’s so hard when facing these challenges”

Now, I wonder … “What would I do if I faced these challenges.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw Giselle walk.”

This made me think … “Jesus made us all different.”

Now, I wonder … “has Giselle met people like her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a wonderful … to accept others”

This made me think … “how everyone should be accepted”

Now, I wonder … “I hope you get better”

Today, I heard / saw … “the life that Giselle has to live”

Now, I wonder … “that I have a good life and should be more grateful”

Now, I wonder … “how it feels to be disabled”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle”

This made me think … “kindness”

Now, I wonder … “God”

Today, I heard / saw … “that some people have disabilities that we can’t see.”

This made me think … “about how we can make the world a better place.”

Now, I wonder … “What I can do to help others and be kind.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard about Giselle”

This made me think … “about her hard life”

Now, I wonder … “how hard she is living.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a very successful lady.”

This made me think … “of how successful I can be”

Now, I wonder … “what is her next goal in life”

Today, I heard / saw … “A confident person with a physical disability”

This made me think … “About my confidence, how inspirational it was.”

Now, I wonder … “How long it will take her to walk on her own”

Today, I heard / saw … “How she got her disability.”

This made me think … “How it feels to be on a wheelchair.”

Now, I wonder … “How is still walk? And why she can’t talk?”

Today, I heard / saw … “a very important and beautiful speech.”

This made me think … “that everyone is not the same.”

Now, I wonder … “That if she is something struggles sometimes.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Somebody really brave.”

This made me think … “how I should be stronger.”

Now, I wonder … “how I can be more inclusive”

Today, I heard / saw … “a different person”

This made me think … “Wow she did that”

Now, I wonder … “if I can do that too.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a great speaker.”

This made me think … “I thought what are the struggles.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder if she struggles in life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A very inspirational role model”

This made me think … “It made me think how grateful everyone should be”

Now, I wonder … “What can I do to be a better …”

Today, I heard / saw … “A public speaker that has a disability”

This made me think … “How she built up the motivation to talk about her personal life”

Now, I wonder … “How she lives her day to day life”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw a public speaker”

This made me think … “what struggles she had”

Now, I wonder … “how she does her daily life”

Today, I heard / saw … “A rreat Public Speaker”

This made me think … “What struggles she had growing up”

Now, I wonder … “how her life is now”

Today, I heard / saw … “a public speaker”

This made me think … “how life would be in a walker”

This made me think … “what if you lived life in a walker”

Today, I heard / saw … “An amazing speaker who was very talented”

This made me think … “what struggles she has faced”

Now, I wonder … “is it hard to travel?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard she had hearing loss. She had a wheelchair and talked with A.I.”

This made me think … “This made me think that no matter what challenges you may face, you can always make a success.”

Now, I wonder … “Did she have hearing aids or a cochlear implant. …”

Today, I heard / saw … “A very inspirational speech about accepting who you are.”

This made me think … “that she is a very brave and inspirational person.”

Now, I wonder … “what her future plans may be.”

Today, I heard / saw … “An amazing young lady full … positivity Role model for ALL ages.”

This made me think … “My own challenges do small things with great love, gentleness & kindness”

Now, I wonder … “not to put a limit on our thinking abilities. Learn to have a growth mindset. Thank you GISELLE GAYLIE”

Today, I heard / saw … “Her past and challenges.”

This made me think … “People with disabilities can still do stuff as we do.”

Now, I wonder … “How many people in the world disagree with this speech.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard a story I saw a woman going through struggles”

This made me think … “that no matter how someone looks we are all the same”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how it feels to be her and struggles.”

Today, I heard / saw … “A person who has persevered and her proud caregivers”

This made me think … “How God’s creations come in so many different forms – all with a blessed life purpose.”

Now, I wonder … “How many more milestones Giselle will accomplish in the future.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s age”

This made me think … “How some people can be really mean”

Now, I wonder … “How other people like her deal with”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s inspiring speech”

This made me think … “How people in the world can disrespect”

Now, I wonder … “How amazing people deal with the most difficult problems / situations”

Today, I heard / saw … “Her problems with her life”

This made me think … “How I feel for her.”

Now, I wonder … “if I was in the same spot as her what would I do?”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard someone who inspirational and saw someone who faced challenges”

This made me think … “this made me think that people who have disorder are still perfect”

Now, I wonder … “now I wonder if she will be a person who helps.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Her past and how she faces her challenges”

This made me think … “People with disabilities can still do all the stuff we can do.”

Now, I wonder … “How will she face these challenges when she starts getting older.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s life story”

This made me think … “How other people with disabilities live”

Now, I wonder … “How it feels to be disabled.”

Today, I heard / saw … “the challenges people with disabilities face”

This made me think … “How my life would be with disabilities”

Now, I wonder … “Would the people around me change if I had disabilities”

Today, I heard / saw … “How her life is now”

This made me think … “How grateful I am to be OK”

Now, I wonder … “How she will be when she’s old”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s life change a lot.”

This made me think … “about how everyone has hardships and struggles.”

Now, I wonder … “What I should do to overcome any struggles or hardships in my life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle’s life, challenges, and inspiration.Today I heard she speaks with a technology / AI machine or translator.”

This made me think … “God never made a mistake and created amazing, unique, talented people.”

Now, I wonder … “How did Giselle excel school through all her disabilities and obstacles?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle talking about her life.”

This made me think … “of all the challenges she had to face”

Now, I wonder … “How it felt to walk for the first time.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw her walking and I heard her talking on the computer.”

This made me think … “That you should never give up and keep on working hard.”

Now, I wonder … “if I was her what will be like.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard her speaking.”

This made me think … “To respect and people … are special.”

Now, I wonder … “Does she know how to write.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard it took her 26 years to walk”

This made me think … “what made me think is with all her disabilities she still is a good person”

Now, I wonder … “was Giselle ever bullied”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle I saw someone who hasn’t given up in 26 years”

This made me think … “How does Giselle not give up in 26 years Never to give up”

Now, I wonder … “Why she is very inspiring to everyone”

Today, I heard / saw … “Courage”

This made me think … “if I could be courageous like Giselle”

Now, I wonder … “if I could be like Giselle”

This made me think … “it took her 26 years to walk.”

Now, I wonder … “She never gave up.”

Now, I wonder … “Why she never gave up”

Today, I heard / saw … “a brave person”

Now, I wonder … “when you can’t walk alone it’s a hard time.”

Now, I wonder … “how did all the issues happen?”

Today, I heard / saw … “Someone who had a lot of courage and never gave up and had some problems but she pushed through those problems.”

This made me think … “That how hard it must be to be Giselle and how beautiful her presentation was.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how hard it was for Giselle at school”

Today, I heard / saw … “I saw that it took her 26 years to walk.”

This made me think … “that I can help people that has special needs”

Now, I wonder … “Now I wonder if I can help people with needs”

Today, I heard / saw … “today I heard to never give up.”

This made me think … “This made me think your brave.”

Now, I wonder … “I wonder how she didn’t give up of how learning to walk.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Saw a motivation”

This made me think … “how is life like”

Now, I wonder … “Why could not she live a normal life.”

Today, I heard / saw … “about someone who never give up”

This made me think … “about a tragic life”

Now, I wonder … “if she has autism”

Today, I heard / saw … “A presentation”

This made me think … “I should be happy for who I am.”

Now, I wonder … “How does her life work.”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle make a motivational speech about her life.”

This made me think … “I should think about people that struggle.”

Now, I wonder … “How her life has been.”

Today, I heard / saw … “that we should support each other.”

This made me think … “What was her life like as an adult”

Now, I wonder … “How did she handle hate.”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard that we should be kind to anyone.”

This made me think … “What was it like growing up.”

Now, I wonder … “How did she get through all the hate.”

Today, I heard / saw … “- lots of questions. – we saw a brace – lots of very inspirational speeches.”

This made me think … “that even though that someone who is disabled can be very inspiring.”

Now, I wonder … “that Maybe my … can walk too. Hopefully. – I also wonder a lot of things but I have what … it wont ..

Today, I heard / saw … “that she had challenges she got through them”

This made me think … “of how I can help people”

Now, I wonder … “how can I be a better person”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle fighting through her disabilities.”

This made me think … “Maybe I could fight and solve my problems.”

Now, I wonder … “How do I become as confident as Giselle?”

Today, I heard / saw … “How inspirational she is.”

This made me think … “that I can her when I grow up.”

Now, I wonder … “If there is people just like her.”

Today, I heard / saw … “a very good voice”

This made me think … “That you have good manners”

Now, I wonder … “that you need help it was nice meeting you”

Today, I heard / saw … “Giselle stand on her own”

This made me think … “that no one has a weakness”

Now, I wonder … “That we are all special no matter what”

Today, I heard / saw … “how we can learn and care”

This made me think … “What she thinks”

Now, I wonder … “how she feels What people say about it”

Today, I heard / saw … “She likes hockey”

This made me think … “what is her favourite hockey team”

Now, I wonder … “does she play hockey”

Today, I heard / saw … “I heard some good things”

This made me think … “I think nice inspirational speech.”

Now, I wonder … “This made me feel she has a good heart and spirit.”

It was a blessing this afternoon to inspire my audience. It makes my work so worthwhile. I love doing what I do!

While walking in the hallway, the Kindergarten class teachers said, Hello, and invited me to visit their class. It was a very joyful experience to see such happy students. They even asked me to join in a class dance. It was fun!

Throughout my afternoon at Good Shepherd, Mr. De Caro was very helpful and kind to me and my team. He mentioned how much he enjoyed my presentation too. I am so thankful to him for inviting me to his blessed school. I felt honoured to speak to all his students.

These students, as I walked and stood in the hallway, all extended, ‘Hellos’ and smiles to me. They were very friendly.

Before leaving, we said ‘Good-Bye’ to Mr. De Caro. He thanked me again for coming to his school. With the beautiful Falcon t-shirt I received, I was ‘twinning’ with one of the teachers before I left too!

It was truly a fantastic afternoon with the fabulous Good Shepherd Falcons!

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