Category: Public Speaking Updates

Presented to Entire School at St. Ursula Elementary in Brampton Today

Today I was grateful to be invited as a Guest Speaker by Ms. Davenport, the Principal, to St. Ursula’s Elementary School in Brampton for their Anti Bullying Week. The school’s focus was on inclusion today as they launched their Bullying Awareness Week.  Approximately 450 students from Junior Kindergarten to...

Presented to All of Holy Spirit’s Elementary School Students Today

Today I visited and presented, as a Public Speaker, at Holy Spirit Catholic Elementary School in Brampton to a school population of over 300 students. I am so grateful to Ms. Judd, the school Principal, for kindly inviting me to present to all her students from Junior Kindergarten to...

Great Day Presenting to Leadership Classes at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School Today

Great Day Presenting to Leadership Classes at St. Edmund Campion Secondary School in Brampton today. Immensely appreciative to Ms. Pearl, Alternative Education/Credit Recovery/Moderns, Department Head Student Success Teacher for kindly initiating these opportunities for me today. I presented to Ms. Curic’s Grade 12 Physical Education Leadership Class during third...

Happy Canada Day at Camp Brébeuf Public Speaking

The sun was proudly shining, as we drove to Camp Brébeuf on this beautiful glorious Canada Day morning. I was excited to be presenting to high school students on Leadership Camp week. My longtime good friend, Luc Dupuy, Outdoor Education Programmer / Camp Counsellor and Trainer recommended me to...

A Great Afternoon Public Speaking at Mary Fix Catholic School Today

As I arrived at Mary Fix Catholic School this afternoon, I was warmly welcomed by the wonderful Ms. Brancalion, Elementary Guidance and Experiential Learning Teacher. We were both happy to see each other, as we have seen one another, in prior school engagements, she has beautifully organized, where she...

Glorious Afternoon Public Speaking at St. Augustine Secondary School Today

When we arrived at St. Augustine Secondary School in Brampton, we entered through the main doors and into the spacious foyer of the school. A gentleman present, who works there, kindly directed us to the main office. As we approached the main office, I was met by the Principal,...