Author: admin

Equity and Wellness Day at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School

Palpable joy and excitement were in the air at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School, on Equity and Wellness Day. Ms. Donaghue, the school principal, Ms. Sienna, administrative assistant, and Ms. Brancalion, Elementary Guidance and Experiential Learning Teacher, made me feel most welcomed when I arrived. Mr. Condotta, the...

Awesome Afternoon at the Home of the Angels Today!

An awesome afternoon public speaking today at St Albert of Jerusalem Elementary School, Home of the Angels. Upon arrival, Ms. Boulanger, the school principal warmly welcomed me to her school. She was very well prepared to have me present to all her grade six, seven and eight students in...

St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Separate School Grade 5 & 6 Classes

Arrived at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Separate School in Brampton this afternoon, to a very kind and warm reception by Ms. Quick, the school Principal. Before escorting us into the library, she asked us whether the library was suitable. Indeed, it was.  A convenient wall mounted smart board was beautifully...

Three Morning Presentations at Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School

Presented as a Public Speaker to grade six, seven and eight levels independently at Father Francis McSpiritt Catholic Elementary School in Brampton this morning. Upon our early morning arrival, I was warmly welcomed by Ms. Moncur, the school principal. Ms. Farquhar, a grade seven teacher and Equity and Diversity...

A Positive and Uplifting Afternoon at Corpus Christi!

The Corpus Christi library, with its wonderfully placed wall mounted smart board, made for a perfect venue for my public speaking presentation today.  The attentive and warmly engaged grade seven and eight students at Corpus Christi made it such a positive and uplifting afternoon. One of today’s Exit Ticket’s...

Welcomed by Holy Family Elementary Stars on Friday January 11, 2019

What a wonderful and heart-warming way to start the new year than with the Holy Family School Stars’ Cheer! I was kindly invited by Mrs. Viola, the school Principal, to present to the grade seven and eight students as a Public Speaker. I received amazing help from some of...

Presented at DPCDSB’s Faith and Program Committee Meeting!

I am wholeheartedley grateful to have presented last night at the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board’s Faith and Program Committee Meeting. It was an honour and pleasure to be amongst so many distinguished members. Following my presentation, this memorable photograph was taken of this blessed event. In this...

His Eminence Cardinal Collins Fully Endorses My Presentation

On July 10th, 2018, I had the wonderful opportunity and honour to present  to His Eminence Cardinal Collins as a public speaker.  His Eminence appreciated and enjoyed my presentation very much. He fully supports and endorses it.  He feels everyone needs to hear it!  I am very excited about...